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- Local co-op
Local co-op
Warhammer 40K Feedback
pathetic happiness
5 years 340 days ago
replied 5 years 335 days ago
Please do something about local co-op. I boughts this game because I love w40k and my fiance love some hack and slash games. But in this game co-op is some kind of mistake. I very sad because of that. I spend a lot of money and I regret that. Please do something with this strange co-op system. Anything what bring it closer to system Diablo 3. Sorry for my English. I'm Just stupid poor guy from Poland.
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Local co-op
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5 years 335 days ago
xD ok, I will sell this game. And I will remember the neocore is bad studio.
5 years 336 days ago
Local coop won't be realized - at least not in the short run. There is a couch coop mode available for players where the partner's character is scaled up to the main character's level.
5 years 337 days ago
I cant because is some kind of error when i try with login. Marcopolo explain what I wanted to Say.
5 years 338 days ago
I think he means local-coop restrictions on the consoles. we all want a fully local-coop with progress, settings and inventory for the second character on the consoles. possible even for 3 local players :)
also the local-coop story mode which will be soon.
5 years 339 days ago
Could you please share your feedback on the coop feature? What did you find disturbing about it?
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