List of skills and Affixes that are not working


This was posting on the steam forum by Psychoza, but I'm posting it here just in case the devs missed it.

P.S If any developer is seeing this, please check the skills on all characters! And dont forget to see if the [buff/debuff icon] is showing.

  • Close Combat
    Riposte [FIXED] 
    Capstone [Might not work as intended] 

  • Ranged Combat
  • Single DPS
  • Area Effects
    Eradicative Protocols [Not working in mp] Crusader
    Haemophilic shock [Not working(not slowing)] 

  • Physical Attacks
    Concussive trauma [Not working with all weapon attacks.] 

  • Execution
  • Aimed Shots
    Fast aim [Not working] Assassin

  • Criticals
    Red Thirst [Not working][Issues still remains] 
    Revenge [Not working(no Icon). Hard to tell if working.] 

  • Damage over Time
  • Heat Attacks
    Spontaneous Combustion [No effect with energy weapons.] Crusader
    Superheated Discharge [No effect with energy weapons.] Crusader

  • Support
    pysker Lower right corner (position) > -5% cooldown for skills generating Warp Hert.
  • Debuffs
    Disorient [Not working] 

  • Suppression
  • Movement
    Evasive bionics [Not working] Assassin

  • Hit Point
  • Defense
  • Radical Path
  • Puritan Path
  • Heroic deeds
  • Misc
    Respawn/Weapon swap [Swapping weapons or respawning all of your affixes from chest and weapons will stop working. [FIXED] 

    Debuffed targets Crit chance/strength to debuffed targets affix isn't adding addative % to base crit but is treated as it's own individual crit chance so if you have 30% and you have 2 affix that each add 5 it's 30% 5% 5% non addative instead of 40%.

    Inoculator the Mitigator [(Restores 15% of Max suppresion / second for 5 seconds) not working.] 

    Inoculator Entropin [Component (level 27 unlock for all classes) isn't present in the game.]

Would be great to see the skills working [like a buff/debuff icon] Some skills have it.. but not all of them.

This list will update over time, if you have found any skills that do not work, please let me know.

Store Page
List of skills and Affixes that are not working
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6 years 253 days ago
Adding to this, most single target weapon and spell abilities, at least for Psyker, are missing the Single Target tag.  They say "single target" in the description but are missing the tag, so most of the skills don't actually benefit them.
6 years 254 days ago
Posted by Tsunamisan 6 years 254 days ago
2  psyker abilities as well i don't  know their names off hand  so i will just  describe them.

1) The  flame pillar  that  is  supposed to track enemies is very iffy  and if you don't move it won't either even if being shot at.

2) The time globe that one of the armor put down does not work right.  Shooting at enemies outside the field still makes the duration go down.  This ability is utterly useless since the player can't move without lowering the duration.  If they let you move  without lowering duration as long as you stay in the area of effect it would be much better.

Ok, now everyone hate me for that, but this game needs balancing very badly, and I am not much concerned where they start.

The Empyrean Armor ability "Time Warp" is not "broken", it is in fact the single most OP ability in the whole game, even after they nerfed (or fixed?! I can't tell really) the cd to be 60s instead of 30s.
The only thing that stops people from realizing how OP it really is, is the still missing difficulty in even the "hardest" of missions.

I, too was underwhelmed the first time I used it like 5 minutes into the game with my first Psyker back in alpha,
but what I said is true and in this one case I may say, if you see it otherwise, you should take a closer look.

But honestly, I can't tell how to fix it without rendering it useless.

6 years 254 days ago
2  psyker abilities as well i don't  know their names off hand  so i will just  describe them.

1) The  flame pillar  that  is  supposed to track enemies is very iffy  and if you don't move it won't either even if being shot at.

2) The time globe that one of the armor put down does not work right.  Shooting at enemies outside the field still makes the duration go down.  This ability is utterly useless since the player can't move without lowering the duration.  If they let you move  without lowering duration as long as you stay in the area of effect it would be much better.