List of all possible relic bonuses?


So I'm wondering if someone made a list of possible relic bonuses per item slot. Just wondering what's there, to know if I should keep rerolling 5-bonus relics for a better 6th yellow bonus. 

A list of possible regular bonuses (major and minor) per item type world also be great. Showing it in the game before doing a reroll would be amazing too :) 

So... Anyone has at least a list or knows a website with a 2.0-valid one? 


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List of all possible relic bonuses?
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5 years 121 days ago
Posted by treecargarage 5 years 121 days ago

Thank you!

Seems some pre 2.0 items are legacy? I don't see hp on crit on power armor anymore (have it on a sentinel armor). Any idea if that's true? 

5 years 121 days ago