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- Las Gun MK I crafting bug
Las Gun MK I crafting bug
Warhammer 40K Bug Reportwin 8.1 / Inter i7
Las Gun Mark I should come with set damage bonus to skill and 2 randoms - however after crafting it 3x it always came with only 1 random - basically making it a slightly stronger Blue
Nothing special to reproduce save actually getting the crafted item to get in your inventory
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This is what i don't get Even if you craft a mark1 or a mark4 you can end up with the exact same item depending on rolls. Not just the static bonuses working in tandem with the gun they are for but the bonuses should be higher for a mark3 than a mark1. For instance i have a lasgun mark1 and mark2 but when it comes down to it they both make the exact same thing except the higher you go the more bonuses are static and do not change. So in esence a lasgun mk1 is better than a mk4 since it may get better rolls on the randoms. This shoul me tweaked to better reflect the item BP that you have acquired and make them different.
Set this current order state as My default.