King Arthur: Knight's Tale

Updated FAQ



Over the Early Access period we received plenty of recurring questions and we summed them all up in this FAQ so you might find an answer to your question(s) below.

What kind of game is King Arthur: Knight's Tale?

King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is a Role-playing Tactical Game - a unique hybrid between turn-based tactical games (like X-Com) and traditional, character-centric RPGs. Knight's Tale is a modern retelling of a classic Arthurian mythology story filtered through the dark fantasy tropes, a twist on the traditional tales of chivalry.

We created a series of videos (called Dev Diaries) where you can learn more about the game's various aspects:

Which languages are available in the game?

While voice acting will only be in English, the game will support French, German, Spanish (Spanish), Portuguese (Brazilian), Chinese (simplified), Polish, Russian as well as Hungarian. We might add other supported languages in the future.

Can I play with my friends? Is multiplayer available?

There is an optional PvP feature in Knight's Tale. You can challenge friends and foes alike and personally set your roster of Heroes. Co-Op, however, is not planned at the moment.

Does King Arthur: Knight's Tale support controllers?

Yes, it does. You can switch from M+K to controller in the Game settings.

Are there plans to release King Arthur: Knight's Tale on consoles?

Yes, we're planning to release it on PS5 and XSX.

What can I do after I completed the campaign?

In a series of randomly appearing endgame mission you'll have the chance to level up further, collect treasure and gear your Heroes up to be able to stand your ground against new Bosses such as the Great Wyrm, King Bres or even the Fomorian God himself, Balor.

Do you plan to support the game after its release?

Yes, we do. Our goal is to support King Arthur: Knight's Tale for a long time in the form of free content updates called Seasons and smaller DLCs. Seasons will periodically introduce new enemy factions, new endgame bosses, challenges and loot. You will face the Romans and even Ghosts in the post-release period of the game.

What engine are you using to develop the game?

We are using the latest version of our own "CoreTech" engine. It is the best version of our engine yet, with some new, jaw-dropping features included. The trailers shared on our Youtube page were made in-engine as well.

Is King Arthur: Knight's Tale playable on Win7?

Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft while the game was built on DirectX12 which works only on Windows 10 flawlessly. We also felt that sticking with Windows 10 would be the better solution due to the evolution of the operating systems.

Do I need to buy the game again if I bough the Early Access?

No, the game automatically updates to the 1.0 version after the full release launch.

Are Early Access saves compatible with the 1.0 version?

We do our best but we recommend not using Early Access saves, since a lot has changed since our last EA patch and even tiny changes can break the save files. The good news is that there are many changes even in Act 1 so it totally worth starting a fresh campaign.

Does the game support Ultra Wide monitors?

Yes, 21:9 monitors are supported.

If I want to share my opinions, where can I do that?

Most importantly, on the game's official Steam forum and on Discord, but we’ll be very active on various social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit) and other forums, although our Discord server and the game's Steam forum will be prioritized.

The full version of King Arthur: Knight's Tale will be released on April 26, 2022. An Early Access version featuring the first act is available now on Steam!

This post was edited 2 years 322 days ago by Tender
King Arthur: Knight's Tale Updated FAQ
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