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- King Arthur: Knight's Tale: Patch Notes for 2.0 - Part II
King Arthur: Knight's Tale:
Patch Notes for 2.0 - Part II
King Arthur Patch Notes
1 year 117 days ago
replied 1 year 116 days ago
Patch notes continued from previous post. This one contains even more spoilers.
- Black Knight:
- Strike:
- Changed the Open Wounds mastery to Mind Break: Each Strike reduces the Target's Mental Debuff Resist by 10 for 2 Turn(s).
- Blood Hex has been moved on the skill tree, replacing Cleave as a starting skill.
- Added Slowing Hex as a new skill in Tier 2.
- Added Stigma as a new skill in Tier 3.
- Replaced the Extra Bleeding node on the skill tree with Terror Wings.
- Damage Focus and its masteries have been replaced by Vengeance and its masteries on the Skill Tree.
- Added Master of Hexes and its masteries to the former place of Vengeance in Tier 2.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Hex Cleave: Deals 75% Weapon Damage multiplied by Hex Intensity to every Unit in a 3 Tiles wide Area.
- Runic Blade: Hex Cleave's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn.
- Malediction: +1% Weapon Damage for Hex Cleave.
- Dark Sorcery: Hex Cleave's AP Cost is reduced by 1
- Desecration: Hex Cleave desecrates affected Tiles for 2 Turns. Units on the desecrated ground suffer 50% Weapon Damage multiplied by Hex Intensity at the start of their Turns and for each Tile of movement they make.
- Hex Cleave: Deals 75% Weapon Damage multiplied by Hex Intensity to every Unit in a 3 Tiles wide Area.
- Dev Comment: Hexes are now a much more vital part of the Black Knight's toolkit, better distinguishing him from other Champions. He also synergizes well with other Hex-heavy Heroes like Sir Dagonet.
- Strike:
- Faerie Knight:
- Blood Hex has been removed from the Skill Tree.
- Slowing Hex has been moved to Tier 1 on the Skill Tree.
- Fire Blast has been moved to Tier 2 on the Skill Tree.
- Added Chain Lightning as a new skill in Tier 3.
- Master of Hexes and its masteries has been replaced with Master of Lightning and its masteries on the Skill Tree.
- Lightning Strike:
- Now causes Shock by default.
- Shocking Blast has been replaced with Distruption: Each Lightning Strike reduces the Target's Mental Debuff Resist by 10% for 2 Turn(s).
- Lightning Child has been replaced with Glory Kill: Every currently running Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn(s) after killing with Lightning Strike.
- Faerie Knight received a new Trait:
- Fey Ancestry: While appointed as Master Artificer in the Artificer's Workshop, increases all Heroes' Hex Intensity by 1% per Level.
- Lady Boudicea:
- Strike:
- The second Sinister Blow mastery has been replaced with Shredder: +10% Armour Breaking for Strike.
- Hide has been moved to Tier 2 on the Skill Tree.
- Added the Rage passive node and its masteries to Tier 1.
- Added Poison Bomb as a new skill in Tier 3.
- Strike:
- Lady Dindraine:
- The locations of the Alcemist and the Long Reach nodes have been swapped on the Skill Tree.
- Cover Expert and its masteries has been replaced by Master of Fire and its masteries.
- Added a new skill in Tier 2:
- Razor Arrow: Ranged Attack that deals 100% Weapon Damage and causes Bleeding for 2 Turns.
- Exploit Weakspots: Razor Arrow ignores Armour.
- Hooked Edge: Razor Arrow's Bleeding deals 100% increased Weapon Damage per tick.
- Precision: Razor Arrow's Range increases by 2 Tiles.
- Right in the Knee: The Bleeding Unit also suffers Razor Arrow's Damage ticks after each Tile of Movement.
- Razor Arrow: Ranged Attack that deals 100% Weapon Damage and causes Bleeding for 2 Turns.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Fire Bomb: Deals 75% Weapon Damage in a 3x3 cross-shaped Area and causes Burning for 2 Turns.
- Volatile Oils: +25% Weapon Damage for Fire Bomb.
- Streamlined Canister: Fire Bomb's Range is increased by 2 Tiles.
- Oiled Wrappings: Tiles hit by Fire Bomb erupt in flames for 2 Turns. Units that enter the flames or start their Turn in them suffer 20% Weapon Damage.
- Perturbing Hit: Burning Units gain 1 less AP per Turn.
- Fire Bomb: Deals 75% Weapon Damage in a 3x3 cross-shaped Area and causes Burning for 2 Turns.
- Lady Guinevere:
- The All Resist node in Tier 1 has been replaced with a Scout node.
- The Scout node and its masteries in Tier 3 have been replaced with Master of Ice and its masteries.
- Trait Tutor now grants its benefits when Lady Guinevere is appointed as Master of Arms in the Training Ground
- Lady Morgana le Fay:
- Enchanter Trait has been reworked: while appointed as Master of Magic in the Enchanted Tower, decreases all Relic Dust costs by 10%.
- Skilled trait has been replaced by Frigid: Learning Ice Skills costs only 1 Skill Point for this Hero.
- Terror Wings has been replaced by a new passive Skill:
- Bitter Dread: Gain +5% Hex Intensity for each currently Chilled or Frozen Unit.
- Ice Thorns now Chills its Targets for 1 Turn
- Hoarfrost: The Chill effect's Duration is increased by 1 Turn.
- Merlin:
- Fire Bolt:
- Now causes 20% Burning by default.
- The Inferno mastery has been changed to: The Burning caused by Fire Bolt deals 20% more Damage.
- The Overheat mastery has been changed to only give bonus Damage against Burning Enemies.
- Raven Swarm:
- Default Damage has been increased from 10% to 20%.
- Falling Star:
- The locations of the Comet Swarm and Shockwave masteries have been swapped on the skill tree.
- Fog:
- AP Cost has been reduced from 6 to 3.
- The AP Cost reduction of Elemental Fog mastery has been reduced from 2 to 1.
- Illusion:
- Now only affects Enemies with less than 50% Mental Debuff Resist.
- AP Cost has been increased from 2 to 3.
- Mirage: instead of providing Dodge chance, Mirage now grants an additional illusionary Unit to be placed, but increases Illusion's AP Cost by 1.
- Mysticism has been replaced with Strong Willed on the Skill Tree.
- Evasion has been replaced with Divine on the Skill Tree.
- Mindstorm has been replaced by Wildfire.
- Dev Comment: Merlin has been by far the strongest Arcanist in the game. While we have no quarrel with him being stronger than usual due to his significance in Arthurian legends, he was indeed a bit too strong with his ability to constantly cycle through his low AP cost skills, dishing out tons of Illusions which rendered the Enemy virtually incapacitated.
- Fire Bolt:
- Red Knight:
- The Red Knight has received a new Trait:
- Torturer: +4 Bleeding Damage
- Strike has been replaced by a new skill:
- Bleeding Strike: Deals 80% Weapon Damage to an Adjacent Enemy, and causes Bleeding for 1 Turn.
- Jagged Edge: +20% Weapon Damage for Bleeding Strike.
- Target Vitals: Bleeding Strike's Bleeding deals +25% Weapon Damage
- Deeper Cuts: Bleeding Strike's Bleeding lasts for +1 Turn.
- Taste Their Blood: Bleeding Strike restores 1/6 Level HP when used on a Unit that is already Bleeding.
- Bleeding Strike: Deals 80% Weapon Damage to an Adjacent Enemy, and causes Bleeding for 1 Turn.
- Shield Block and its masteries have been replaced by Vengeance and its masteries.
- Master Bleeding has been replaced by Armourer.
- The old place of Armourer and its Masteries have been replaced by Master Bleeding and its new masteries:
- Scarification: +1 Turn Duration to Bleeding effects applied by the Hero.
- Gash: Bleeding deals +50% Damage at the start of each Turn.
- Bleeding Immunity: Immunity to Bleeding Effects.
- Blood Frenzy: Gain +3% Weapon Damage for each currently Bleeding Unit.
- The Red Knight has received a new Trait:
- Sir Balan:
- Added a new skill in Tier 2:
- Rampage: For 3 Turns, grants +30% Weapon Damage, but Movement costs 100% more AP.
- Run Amok: The penalty to Movement Cost during Rampage is reduced by 50%.
- Destruction: Rampage also grants +10% Armour Breaking for its Duration.
- Persistence: Rampage also grants +1 Armour per Kill for its Duration.
- Frenzy: Rampage's AP Cost is reduced by 1.
- Rampage: For 3 Turns, grants +30% Weapon Damage, but Movement costs 100% more AP.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Pulverise: Deals 120% Weapon Damage to every Unit in an area of 3x3 Tiles and causes Knockback.
- Might: Pulverise's AP Cost is reduced by 1.
- Stomp: +15% Weapon Damage for Pulverise.
- Behemoth: Pulverise's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn.
- Heavy Impact: Puvlerise causes Stun on the middle Target for 1 Turn, but its AP Cost is increased by 1.
- Pulverise: Deals 120% Weapon Damage to every Unit in an area of 3x3 Tiles and causes Knockback.
- Extra Bleeding has been replaced by Robust.
- Juggernaut has been replaced by a new skill:
- Iron Skinned: Armour is increased by Level/3.
- Added a new skill in Tier 2:
- Sir Balin:
- Robust has been replaced with Juggernaut on the Skill Tree.
- Assassination and its masteries have been replaced by Scout and its new masteries:
- Momentum: The Hero gains +10% Weapon Damage after using a Movement Skill until the end of the Turn.
- On the Run
- Murderous Intent: The Hero gains Surprise bonus for their next Attack after using a Movement Skill.
- Forethought: Using a Movement Skill reduces the active Cooldowns on all non-Movement Skills by 1 Turn.
- Assassination was moved to the old position of Scout in Tier 3.
- Added Dash as a new skill in Tier 2.
- A new skill was added in Tier 3:
- Charge: Charges at an Enemy and Attacks them twice for 100% Weapon Damage each.
- Poisoned Blade: Charge causes Poison for 2 Turns.
- Extended Charge: Charge's Range is increased by 1 Tile.
- Sudden Charge: Charge is always a Surprise Attack, even if the Hero isn't Hidden.
- Momentum: The Hero gains 2 Movement AP when killing a Unit with Charge.
- Charge: Charges at an Enemy and Attacks them twice for 100% Weapon Damage each.
- Dev Comment: By making Sir Balan more of a slow and heavily armoured Hero, and Sir Balin an exceptionally mobile one, we hope to not just increase the contrast between the brothers, but to help them stand out more from their fellow Champions and Vanguards.
- Sir Bedivere:
- Sir Bedivere has received a new Trait:
- Exile: Loyalty may not exceed 15.
- Master of Traps and its masteries have been moved to the location of Backstab on the Skill Tree, in Tier 3.
- Backstab has been removed from Sir Bedivere's Skill Tree.
- Added a new node to the former location of Master of Traps. The node consists of a Hardened Armour passive, 2 Thick Skinned masteries and 2 Fitted Armour masteries.
- Low-Profile has been replaced by Serrated Traps: +20% Weapon Damage for Trap Skills.
- Master Assassin has been replaced by Ironclad: The Hero can also wear Heavy Armour.
- Added Thunderbolt as a new Skill in Tier 3.
- Lightning Trap:
- Now also causes Shock to its Target for 1 Turn by default.
- Thunderflash: instead of granting Shock, it now increases the Duration of the Shock caused by Lightning Trap by 1 Turn.
- Forked Discharge: instead of increasing the Trap's Range, it now allows Lightning Trap to chain to 1 additional Enemy within 4 Tiles Range of the original Target, dealing 50% of its original Damage and causing Shock for 1 Turn(s).
- Fixed the missing effects and sounds
- Quick Footed has been replaced by Strength
- Strike:
- Poisoned Blade has been replaced with Deep Cuts: Strike causes Bleeding for 2 Turn(s).
- Throwing Dagger:
- Poisoned Dagger has been replaced with Gushing Wound: Throwing Dagger causes Bleeding for 2 Turn(s).
- A new skill was added in Tier 2:
- Berserking: For the next 2 Turns, grants +3 AP and +10% Weapon Damage, but the Hero becomes Silenced.
- Fury: Berserking grants +10% Weapon Damage.
- War Chanting: Berserking also grants +20% Mental and Physical Debuff Resist.
- Recklessness: Berserking also grants +1 AP for the first kill every Turn.
- Enraged: Berserking's Duration is increased by 1 Turn.
- Berserking: For the next 2 Turns, grants +3 AP and +10% Weapon Damage, but the Hero becomes Silenced.
- Dev Comment: Sir Bedivere was always a bit lacklustre as a vanguard, lacking the mobility of other Heroes of the class. We decided to embrace this idea, and instead of working on his mobility, turn him into a full-on frontline brawler. Now we believe he is on par with any hero in the current pool in regards of damage output and sustain as well.
- Sir Bedivere has received a new Trait:
- Sir Bors:
- The Tradesman Trait has been reworked: while appointed as Court Chandler at the Merchant, the Merchant will offer an additional 1 Relic and 3 Uncommon items at the next restock.
- Mark Target:
- The Vulnerability applied by Mark Target is no longer against ranged attacks only. Instead, it behaves like every other Vulnerability in the game.
- Increased the default Duration of the skill from 1 to 2 Turns.
- The locations of the Entangle and Deadeye masteries have been swapped on the skill tree.
- Alchemist and its masteries have been replaced by a new Skill:
- Sentinel: -1 AP Cost for Overwatch Attacks.
- Prudence: +10% Overwatch Damage.
- Watchful: +1 Tile Range for Overwatch Attacks.
- Broad Shot: Overwatch can be readied in a 180 degree cone.
- Rapid-Fire: Overwatch can attack one additional Unit.
- Sentinel: -1 AP Cost for Overwatch Attacks.
- Poison Arrow and its masteries have been replaced by Fire Arrow and its masteries.
- Evasion has been replaced by Robust.
- Long Reach and its masteries have been replaced by Unyielding and its masteries.
- Unyielding and its masteries have been replaced by a new skill and its masteries:
- Point-Blank Volley: Deals 150% Weapon Damage to Adjacent Units and 50% to Units farther away in a 3 Tiles long 90 degree Cone.
- Arrow Burst: +15% Weapon Damage for Point-Blank Volley.
- Searing Arrows: Point-Blank Volley causes Burning for 2 Turns.
- Forceful Blast: Point-Blank Volley causes Knockback to its Targets and the Hero alike.
- Point-Blank Volley's AP Cost is reduced by 1.
- Point-Blank Volley: Deals 150% Weapon Damage to Adjacent Units and 50% to Units farther away in a 3 Tiles long 90 degree Cone.
- Sir Brunor le Noir:
- The Tax Collector Trait has been reworked: while appointed as Court Chandler at the Merchant, decreases all Building Resources costs by 10%.
- Power Attack has been replaced by Death Strike on the Skill Tree.
- Added a new skill in Tier 2:
- Rupturing Strike: The Hero consumes all remaining AP for a single Attack that deals 125% Weapon Damage and causes 25% Bleeding for 2 Turns. The Bleeding deals +50% Weapon Damage for each AP spent in excess.
- Bloodbath: Rupturing Strike's Bleeding deals 100% increased Weapon Damage per tick.
- Sadism: Rupturing Strike's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn.
- Hemorrhage: Rupturing Strike's Bleeding lasts for +1 Turn.
- Throat Slice: Rupturing Strike also causes Silence while the Target is Bleeding.
- Rupturing Strike: The Hero consumes all remaining AP for a single Attack that deals 125% Weapon Damage and causes 25% Bleeding for 2 Turns. The Bleeding deals +50% Weapon Damage for each AP spent in excess.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Drain Blood: Deals 100% Weapon Damage to every Bleeding Unit within 2 Tiles Range. The Hero regains HP equal to 100% of the Damage dealt.
- Bloodthirst: Drain Blood's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn.
- Haemophilia: Drain Blood's Range is increased by 1 Tile.
- Blooodletting: Drain Blood also causes Weakness for 1 Turn to Units damaged by it.
- Sap Spirit: Drain Blood only restores 50% of the Damage dealt as HP, but the Hero gains 1 AP for each Unit damaged by it.
- Drain Blood: Deals 100% Weapon Damage to every Bleeding Unit within 2 Tiles Range. The Hero regains HP equal to 100% of the Damage dealt.
- Replaced Extra Stun on the Skill Tree with a second Robust node.
- Rage and its masteries have been replaced by Master Bleeding and its new masteries:
- Scarification: +1 Turn Duration to Bleeding effects applied by the Hero.
- Gash: Bleeding deals +50% Damage at the start of each Turn.
- Bleeding Immunity: Immunity to Bleeding Effects.
- Blood Frenzy: Gain +3% Weapon Damage for each currently Bleeding Unit.
- Dev Comment: Damage over Time effects - maybe with the exception of Burning - were never as impactful as they should have been. With these changes, we hope Sir Brunor le Noir (and the Red Knight) can make builds that emphasize on Bleeding more viable and fun.
- Sir Dagonet:
- Sir Dagonet has received two new Traits:
- Occultist: +10% Hex Intensity
- Potion Brewer: While appointed as Master of Magic in the Enchanted Tower, the Merchant will offer an additional +3 Uncommon Potions at the next restock.
- Stigma and Death Hex have been swapped on the Skill Tree.
- Desecrated Ground:
- Default Damage has been increased from 20% to 25%.
- The bonus Damage granted by the Malevolance mastery is increased from 5% to 10%.
- The description of Desecrated Ground now correctly reflects that the Damage of the Skill is increased by Hex Intensity.
- Desecrated Ground's AP Cost has been increased from 5 to 6.
- Desecrated Ground's Cooldown has been increased from 3 to 4 Turns.
- Added Fog as a new Skill in Tier 2.
- Added Mind Fog as a new Skill in Tier 3.
- Magical Armour and its masteries have been replaced by a new skill and its masteries:
- Master of Potions: The Hero creates a Refreshing Concoction in an empty Consumable Slot after every Rest. The Refreshing Concoction grants +1 AP until the end of the Encounter if consumed.
- Rare Ingredients: The Hero gains +20% Mental and Physical Debuff Resist until the end of the Encounter after consuming any Potion.
- Hastening Mixture: The Hero gains +1 Movement AP until the end of the Encounter after consuming any Potion.
- Magical Residue: The Hero gains +10% Hex Intensity until the end of the Encounter after consuming any Potion.
- Infusion: The Hero gains +1 AP until the end of the Encounter after consuming any Potion.
- Master of Potions: The Hero creates a Refreshing Concoction in an empty Consumable Slot after every Rest. The Refreshing Concoction grants +1 AP until the end of the Encounter if consumed.
- Force Bolt has been replaced by a new skill:
- Shadow Bolt: Ranged Spell that deals 50% Weapon Damage multiplied by Hex Intensity.
- Erode Will: Each Shadow Bolt reduces the Target's Mental Debuff Resist by 10% for 2 Turns.
- Empower: +25% Hex Intensity for Shadow Bolt.
- Mindgame: The Hero gains 2 AP when killing an Enemy with Shadow Bolt.
- Multiple Targets: Shadow Bolt fires 3 missiles instead of 1, but each one deals only 34% of the original Damage. These missiles can be targeted individually.
- Shadow Bolt: Ranged Spell that deals 50% Weapon Damage multiplied by Hex Intensity.
- Sir Dagonet has received two new Traits:
- Sir Damas:
- The Self Trainer Trait now grants 20% of a Level worth of XP whenever the Hero doesn't go on a Mission, instead of "some" XP.
- Sir Damas received a new Trait:
- Recluse: Can't train in the Training Ground.
- Added Aimed Shot as a new skill in Tier 2.
- Added Smoke Bomb as a new skill in Tier 3.
- Cover Expert and its masteries have been replaced by Assassination and its masteries.
- The Scout node and it's masteries on Tier 1 have been replaced by a new passive skill and it's new masteries:
- On the Prowl: The Hero becomes Hidden after killing a Unit.
- Surprise Damage: Surprise Damage is increased by 20%.
- Preparation: The Hero gains 2 Movement AP when starting a Turn Hidden.
- Mark Prey: Surprise Attacks cause 20% Vulnerability for 1 Turn(s).
- Lurking: The Hero gains 1 AP when starting a Turn Hidden.
- On the Prowl: The Hero becomes Hidden after killing a Unit.
- Crippling Shot:
- Default Damage has been increased from 150% to 175%.
- The bonus Damage granted by the Barbed Arrows mastery is increased fromt 15% to 25%.
- Sir Ector:
- Artificert has been replaced by a new Trait:
- Alchemist: While appointed as Master of Magic in the Enchanted Tower, provides 50% of Relic Dust earned on Missions as extra Gold.
- Blood Hex has been moved to Tier 2.
- Added Summon Lost Commoner as a new skill in Tier 1:
- Summon a Lost Commoner on the selected location until the end of the Turn. It has 40% of the Hero's Weapon Damage, and 20% of the Hero's Vitality.
- Runic Bones: Summon Lost Commoner's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn.
- Rotten Carcass: The summoned Lost Commoner causes Poison for 1 Turn with its Attacks.
- Purposefulness: The summoned Lost Commoner remains for 1 additional Turn, but its AP Cost is increased by 1.
- Enchanted Skin: The summoned Lost Commoner gains an additional 20% of the Hero's Vitality.
- Summon a Lost Commoner on the selected location until the end of the Turn. It has 40% of the Hero's Weapon Damage, and 20% of the Hero's Vitality.
- Added Summon Lost Knight as a new skill in Tier 3:
- Summon Lost Knight: Summon a Lost Knight on the selected location for 2 Turns. It has 60% of the Hero's Weapon Damage, and 75% of the Hero's Vitality.
- Undead Fortitude: The summoned Lost Knight gains an additional 25% of the Hero's Vitality.
- Engraved Blade: The summoned Lost Knight gains +10% Armour Breaking.
- Wartime Memories: The summoned Lost Knight gains the Power Attack Skill.
- Eternal Servitude: The summoned Lost Knight remains until the end of the Encounter.
- Summon Lost Knight: Summon a Lost Knight on the selected location for 2 Turns. It has 60% of the Hero's Weapon Damage, and 75% of the Hero's Vitality.
- Mindstorm has been replaced by Master Invoker: +2 AP to Units summoned by the Hero.
- Dev Comment: We felt like Sir Ector also needed something unique of his own. The ability to summon and command The Lost goes well with his backstory and his "the end justifies the means" mindset. Not to mention commanding disposable units opens a lot of fun tactical possibilities.
- Sir Galahad:
- Sir Galahad received a new Trait:
- Congregation: Each Christian Hero in the party gains +10% HP during Missions.
- Unyielding and its masteries have been replaced with Master of Fire and its masteries.
- Pyromania has been moved to Tier 3.
- Holy Fire now receives the Fire tag if the Angelic Flames mastery is learned.
- Sir Galahad received a new Trait:
- Sir Gawain:
- Armourer and its masteries have been replaced with Vengeance and its masteries.
- Unyielding and its masteries have been replaced with All Resistance and its masteries.
- The Agile Trait has been replaced by a new one, Swift: +2 Movement AP.
- The Progressive Trait has been removed.
- Shield Block and its masteries have been replaced by Hunter and its new masteries:
- Sidhe Slaughterer: The Hero gains +5% Weapon Damage until the end of the Encounter for each Seelie or Unseelie killed by them.
- Repel Death: The Hero receives 10% less Damage from The Lost.
- Giant Slayer: +20% Armour Breaking against Fomorians.
- Spell Resistance: -25% Damage from incoming Spells.
- Added Ice Shield as a new skill in Tier 2.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Ruthlessness: Grants a cumulative +10% Weapon Damage upon activation and at the start of each Turn. Lasts until the Hero ends their Turn without killing anyone.
- Anger: Ruthlessness grants +5% Weapon Damage per stack.
- Cruelty: Ruthlessness's AP Cost is reduced by 1.
- Resolve: Ruthlessness also grants 1 AP for the first kill every Turn.
- Unfaltering: Ruthlessness also restores 1 Armour for each kill.
- Ruthlessness: Grants a cumulative +10% Weapon Damage upon activation and at the start of each Turn. Lasts until the Hero ends their Turn without killing anyone.
- Sir Gawain received a new Trait:
- Defiant: While appointed as Master Artificer in the Artificer's Workshop, increases all Heroes' Spell Resistance by 1% for every 2 Levels.
- Sir Geraint:
- Sir Geraint has received a new Trait:
- Druidic Allies: -10% Damage from incoming Spells.
- Alchemist and its masteries has been replaced by Long Reach and its masteries.
- Added Master of Lightning and its masteries to Tier 3, at the old location of Long Reach.
- Shoot's Torture mastery has been replaced by Thunder: Shoot's Weapon Damage is increased by 20% against Shocked Units.
- Added Surge as a new skill in Tier 2:
- Target Ally gains +3 Movement AP for 1 Turn.
- Rush: Surge grants +1 Movement AP.
- Energetic: Surge's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn.
- Sidestep: Surge's Target also becomes immune to Opportunity Attacks for the Duration.
- New Approach: Surge also reduces the Target's Cooldowns by 1 Turn. Can't reduce Surge's Cooldown.
- Target Ally gains +3 Movement AP for 1 Turn.
- Lightning Arrow now causes Shock on all Units hit for 1 Turn.
- Thundershot now reduces Lightning Arrow's Cooldown by 1 Turn instead.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Storm of Arrows: Deals 80% Weapon Damage and causes Shock for 1 Turn to every Unit in an Area of 3x3 Tiles, ignoring Block.
- Downpour: +20% Weapon Damage for Storm of Arrows.
- Persistent Discharge: Storm of Arrows's Shock lasts for +1 Turn.
- Shredder Arrows: +15% Armour Breaking for Storm of Arrows.
- Cloudburst: Storm of Arrows's AP Cost is reduced by 1.
- Storm of Arrows: Deals 80% Weapon Damage and causes Shock for 1 Turn to every Unit in an Area of 3x3 Tiles, ignoring Block.
- Sir Geraint has received a new Trait:
- Sir Kay:
- No longer has the Bone Setter Trait
- Preparedness:
- Default Cooldown has been reduced from 3 to 2.
- The effects of the High Guard mastery (20% Damage Reduction while Preparedness is active) is included in the base skill now.
- The High Guard mastery has been changed to: Increase the Damage Resistance provided by Preparedness by 10%.
- The Damage bonus of the Retribution mastery has been increased from 15% to 25%.
- The Unbreakable mastery has been moved to the 4th mastery slot, and completely reworked to: Preparedness also Taunts all Enemy Units in 2 Tile(s) Range.
- Sir Lancelot:
- Radiance:
- The locations of Chilling Radiance and Innate Radiance masteries have been swapped on the skill tree.
- Decreased the default Cooldown of Radiance from 5 to 3.
- Whirlwind has been replaced with Ice Aura on the Skill Tree.
- Radiance:
- Sir Lanval:
- Armoursmith has been replaced by a new Trait:
- Chirurgeon: While appointed as Hospitaller in the Hospice, increases the amount of HP and Armour recovered by 2%. (increases by 2% per Level).
- Restless Trait now decreases the amount of HP and Armour gained when resting by 50%, instead of decreasing Loyalty when not selected for a Mission.
- Added Taunt as a new skill in Tier 2.
- Added Flurry as a new skill in Tier 3.
- Power Attack has been replaced with Death Strike.
- Extra Stun has been replaced by Melee Expertise
- The old place of Melee Expertise and its Masteries have been replaced with a new skill and its masteries:
- Dazing Strikes: Non-Area Attacks made during the Hero's Turn cause Stun with 20% Effectiveness.
- Exploitation: +15% Weapon Damage against Stunned or Slowed Units.
- Slow Immunity: Immunity to Slow.
- Stun Immunity: Immunity to Stun.
- Extra Stun.
- Dazing Strikes: Non-Area Attacks made during the Hero's Turn cause Stun with 20% Effectiveness.
- Dev Comment: Sir Lanval didn't stand out much from the crowd, and was tedious to manage due to his Restless trait. With the trait and his skill tree reworked, he should be worthy to join your Round Table (you still need to spare him first, though).
- Armoursmith has been replaced by a new Trait:
- Sir Leodegrance:
- Added Ice Spikes as a new skill in Tier 2.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Judgement: Marks an Enemy for 2 Turns. Units regain Level/3 HP for each Hit against the marked Unit.
- Tribunal: Judgement's Cooldown is reduced b 1 Turn.
- Penance: Units regain an additional Level/6 HP for each Hit against the marked Unit.
- Blinding Justice: Judgement also causes Blind for the Duration, but its AP Cost is increased by 1.
- Extra Verdict: Judgement can now Target 2 Enemies.
- Judgement: Marks an Enemy for 2 Turns. Units regain Level/3 HP for each Hit against the marked Unit.
- Sir Lucan:
- Sir Lucan received a new Trait:
- Pleasant: Every other party member has a 25% chance to receive +1 Loyalty after each Mission this Hero participates in.
- Strike:
- Chilling Touch has been changed to Reeling Blow: Strike causes 20% Vulnerability for 1 Turn.
- Splinter has been changed to Shredder: +10% Armour Breaking for Strike.
- Globe of Protection has been moved to Tier 2, to the default place of the skill for most Sages.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Purging Strike: Deals 120% Weapon Damage to an Adjacent Enemy. Benefits twice as much from Vulnerability on its Target.
- Mighty Blow: +15% Weapon Damage for Purging Strike.
- Eagerness: Purging Strike's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn.
- Killing Blow: Purging Strike restores 1 AP if it kills its Target.
- Purging Strike causes Weakness for 1 Turn.
- Purging Strike: Deals 120% Weapon Damage to an Adjacent Enemy. Benefits twice as much from Vulnerability on its Target.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Mass Protection: Creates an orbiting shield around the Hero and each Ally for 2 Turn(s). Each shield can fully negate one incoming Hit.
- Durability: Mass Protection's Duration is increased by 1 Turn.
- Safeguard: Mass Protection's AP Cost is reduced by 1.
- Aegis: The shields also grant +20% Physical and Mental Debuff Resist while they last.
- Cleanse: Mass Protection also removes Bleeding, Burning, and Poison from all Targets.
- Mass Protection: Creates an orbiting shield around the Hero and each Ally for 2 Turn(s). Each shield can fully negate one incoming Hit.
- Sir Lucan received a new Trait:
- Sir Mordred:
- Veteran Trait has been replaced by Drillmaster
- Keeper of the Excalibur Trait now grants +20% Weapon Damage and +1 AP, instead of +10% Weapon Damage
- Dev Comment: Sir Mordred wasn't a very enticing option in the later Acts of the game due to his lack of Loyalty bonuses other Heroes had. The buffs of his unique trait are meant to take care of that.
- Cleave has been replaced by a new skill:
- Lightning Cleave: Deals 120% Weapon Damage to every Unit in a 3 Tiles wide Area and causes Shock for 1 Turn.
- Jolting Slash: +15% Weapon Damage for Lightning Cleave.
- Self-Sufficiency: Lightning Cleave's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn for each Unit killed by it.
- Swift Strike: Lightning Cleave's AP Cost is reduced by 1.
- Lasting Thunder: Lightning Cleave causes Shock for +1 Turn.
- Lightning Cleave: Deals 120% Weapon Damage to every Unit in a 3 Tiles wide Area and causes Shock for 1 Turn.
- Sir Pelleas:
- Drillmaster has been replaced by a new Trait:
- Armoursmith: While appointed as Master of Arms at the Training Ground, grants 1 Temporary Armour to Heroes at the start of every Mission. (increases by 1 every 8 levels)
- Added Defensive Stance as a new skill in Tier 2.
- Unyielding and its masteries have been replaced by Counterattack and new masteries:
- Riposte: +10% Weapon Damage for Counterattack.
- Awareness: Counterattack can now target Units on the sides of the Hero as well.
- Regain Footing: The Hero gains +1 AP in their next Turn for each Attack made during the Enemy Turn.
- Second Wind: The Hero gains 5+1/3 Level HP for each Attack made during the Enemy Turn.
- Strength has been replaced by Unyielding.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Battering Ram: Deals 100% Weapon Damage in a 2 Tiles long 90 degree Cone. The Weapon Damage increases by 2% for each point of Armour the Hero currently possesses.
- Reinforced: Each point of Armour further increases Battering Ram's Weapon Damage by 1%.
- Charge: Battering Ram's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn(s).
- Shatterer: +10% Armour Breaking for Battering Ram.
- Crippling Blow: Battering Ram also causes Weakness for 1 Turn(s).
- Battering Ram: Deals 100% Weapon Damage in a 2 Tiles long 90 degree Cone. The Weapon Damage increases by 2% for each point of Armour the Hero currently possesses.
- Drillmaster has been replaced by a new Trait:
- Sir Percivale:
- The Bolsterer Trait now grants +Level/2 Temporary HP to Heroes at the start of each Mission, instead of +Level/5.
- Immolation:
- Now causes Burning on all targets for 1 Turn by default.
- Trial by Fire: now increases the duration of Immolation's Burning by +1 Turn.
- Sir Tegyr:
- Sir Tegyr received a new Trait:
- Cupbearer: Potion effects on the Hero are increased by 25%.
- Robust has been replaced by Long Reach.
- Veteran Trait has been removed.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- Debilitating Throw: Ranged Attack that deals 75% Weapon Damage and causes Knockdown.
- Hasty: Debilitating Throw's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn.
- Weighted Projectiles: +25% Weapon Damage for Debilitating Throw.
- Steady Aim: Debilitating Throw's Range is increased by 2 Tiles.
- Daze: Debilitating Throw pushes its Target 1 Tile further.
- Debilitating Throw: Ranged Attack that deals 75% Weapon Damage and causes Knockdown.
- Added Mark Target as a new skill in Tier 2.
- Sir Tegyr received a new Trait:
- Defiant: While appointed as Master Artificer in the Artificer's Workshop, increases all Heroes' Ranged Damage Reduction by 1 for every 3 Levels.
- Backstab and its masteries have been replaced by Soothing Words and its masteries.
- Sir Tegyr received a new Trait:
- Sir Yvain:
- The Coin Counter Trait has been reworked: while appointed as Court Chandler at the Merchant, items cost 10% less Gold.
- Rain of Arrows:
- Decreased the default AP Cost from 7 to 6.
- Pyromania has been replaced by Sentinel: -1 AP Cost for Overwatch Attacks.
- Piercing Shot:
- Base Weapon Damage has been increased from 75% to 100%.
- Barbed Shot's Weapon Damage increase has been increased from 15% to 25%.
- Added a new skill in Tier 2:
- Delayed Barrage: Mark a 6 Tiles long Area. At the start of the Hero's next Turn, these Tiles are hit by a Delayed Barrage that deals 200% Weapon Damage.
- Continuous Onslaught: Delayed Barrage's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn.
- Focused Fire: Delayed Barrage's AP Cost is reduced by 1.
- Bombardment: Delayed Barrage's length is increased by 2 Tile(s).
- Formation Breaker: Delayed Barrage causes 20% Vulnerability for 2 Turn(s).
- Dev Comment: Sir Yvain surely dwelled a lot on those nightmares to have come up with a skill like this.
- Delayed Barrage: Mark a 6 Tiles long Area. At the start of the Hero's next Turn, these Tiles are hit by a Delayed Barrage that deals 200% Weapon Damage.
- Added a new skill in Tier 3:
- True Aim: Grants +25% chance to deal double Damage for 2 Turns.
- Fortunate: True Aim grants an additional 10% chance to deal double Damage.
- Godspeed: True Aim's Cooldown is reduced by 1 Turn.
- Opportune: True Aim's AP Cost is reduced by 1.
- Advantageous: For the Duration of True Aim, dealing double Damage also causes Weakness for 2 Turns.
- True Aim: Grants +25% chance to deal double Damage for 2 Turns.
- White Knight:
- Added Whirlwind as a new skill in Tier 3.
- Holy Armour:
- The locations of Martyrdom and Hallowed Champion masteries have been swapped on the Skill Tree.
- Reduced the default Cooldown of Holy Armour from 4 to 3.
- The Hallowed Champion mastery has been changed to: Holy Armour's Duration is increased by 1 Turn(s).
- The Aegis mastery has been changed to: Holy Armour also grants +30% Mental Debuff Resist and Phyisical Debuff Resist to the Hero.
- Reworded Martyrdom mastery's description to: Holy Armour also Taunts Adjacent Enemies for 1 Turn(s).
- Added Encouragement as a new skill in Tier 2.
- Blessed Weapon:
- Swift Justice now only grants AP for the first kill each Turn.
We would like to thank our dedicated community, as well as the fantastic people participating in the final beta tests for feedback. You were a huge help in finding bugs, and a great inspiration in making this patch.
We would also like to express our special thanks to a few outstanding community members:
- Michał "Charanis" Celej - KAKT Enhanced Edition mod
- Maxxalos - Incredible Youtube deepdives
- VITO74M - KAKT Perks and Icons mods
- punished_hank - Probably the best beta tester ever
As for the future, make sure you leave any feedback, as you can see, we're here to listen and improve the game in the future as well!
To Avalon!
This post was
1 year 116 days ago by
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Why was Lady Dindraine portrait changed ? She looked fine with her old look. Now she looks like she got heavy make up on.