King Arthur: Knight's Tale

Kickstarter Rewards Update

Dear Kickstarter backers!

Good news, King Arthur - Knight's Tale's full version is finally releasing today, thanks to your generous support! While we're preparing this fantastic event, you might be wondering about the state of Kickstarter rewards.

You might have already received some of them, but there are a few items that will be dispatched at release or a bit later this week, depending on a few factors. In any case, we're finally sharing more details about these rewards.

Any reward with future DLCs

Naturally, you will receive them as they will be made in the future in form of a Steam key. Check back occasionally to see more updates about extra content for King Arthur: Knight's Tale. The adventure is far from over!

Extra digital copies:

Theoretically, you might have already received these, but please let us know if you haven't!

Patron of the Arts (and above)

  • A massive, 220-page Art Book - a PDF including concept art, cinematic stills, portraits, backgrounds and early sketches, as well as a short "Legacy" section, art from our older King Arthur games.
  • Digital soundtrack of the game by veteran composer Gergely Buttinger.

Loremaster (and above)

  • A detailed world map.
  • A 170-page, short story collection "Chronicles of Avalon" with 9 exciting short stories (including a prologue to the Storm and an epilogue that connects the stories with the game) by acclaimed Hungarian fantasy authors - Balázs Farkas, Gábor Izsóf, Viktor Juhász, Ágnes Körmendi, Csilla Kleinheincz, Áron Németh, Bogi Takács and László Tamásfi. Illustrated by Anikó Salamon and László Vida.

The above rewards will be e-mailed to you soon. The only exception would be the soundtrack, as we're looking into adding it as a limited DLC on Steam for convenience, and this might take a bit more time to publish on Steam. But we're happy to confirm that these rewards are already finished, and coming very shortly!

If you don't receive your rewards or maybe your name didn't show up in the credits - if anything might be missing after a few days, please end us a message on Kickstarter, or in case you don't have access to the email account you registered on Kickstarter, please reach out to us over at [email protected] and we'll sort things out! If you have any feedback about the game, any technical issues you experience, please let us know as well, we'll be updating the game according to feedback periodically.

And finally, we would like to thank you for your support, we hope you enjoy King Arthur: Knight's Tale

To Avalon!

This post was edited 2 years 336 days ago by Tender
King Arthur: Knight's Tale Kickstarter Rewards Update
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