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Gamescom 2017!


Greetings, Inquisitors!

We'll be at Gamescom 2017 next week in Cologne, Germany, presenting Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr both with a Business booth (August 22-24) and a Public booth (August 22-26).

We'll be prepared with exclusive new information on the game, and we'll be showcasing an exclusive new build, offering the possibility of 4k footage recording. We'll be giving interviews, and we'd like to encourage both newcomers and Founders (as well as any members of the press) to join and meet us!

For reference on how to find us at the location (Koelnmesse):

  • Public booth: Hall 8.1 B-043
  • Business booth: Hall 2.2 B-016

We hope to see you there!

This post was edited 7 years 225 days ago by Tender
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7 years 215 days ago

To the Neocore team, hope the time at Gamescom 2017 is going well with a high chance to recruit many new Inquisitors.

I wish I could be there but alas would be a bit far to travel for me currently deployed In the power generator sector down under and my land based vessel is not currently equipped with the capability of intercontinental travel (And Id probably have a hard time obtaining overseas purging expedition privileges from the missus....whom may be a newly discovered chaos god...time will high possibility my 3 kids are likely to be of demonic origins........ recommend exterminatus).
7 years 216 days ago

through knowing where your booth was, it wasnt that easy finding you :D damn huge fairground ;)

7 years 218 days ago

Showing off anything special? :O

7 years 225 days ago

I should hope not! The servers are going on about "Version Error!" right now, and those heretics won't slay themselves*

*Khornate worshippers notwithstanding

7 years 225 days ago
we're all gonna die there :)))))