Items: Attack and defense rating make no sense


Why are blue weapons with low attack rating sometimes better than purple ones with high rating? 

Moreover many stats from items are missing in the character overview.


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Items: Attack and defense rating make no sense
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7 years 334 days ago
Posted by Bigdredwun 7 years 334 days ago
i saw you post in chat about this last night but i didn't understand what you meant and as such i gave you an incorrect answer. I would tentatively say that it comes down to attack type and rate of fire but i don't know that for sure. also how did you get a comparison tool tip to pull up for the weapons? I wasn't aware that was a thing. 
sorry. i just woke up, just forget this entire quoted post i just looked at your screen shots and realized i haven't had enough coffee yet. 
7 years 334 days ago
i saw you post in chat about this last night but i didn't understand what you meant and as such i gave you an incorrect answer. I would tentatively say that it comes down to attack type and rate of fire but i don't know that for sure. also how did you get a comparison tool tip to pull up for the weapons? I wasn't aware that was a thing. 
7 years 334 days ago
Posted by Game kNight 7 years 334 days ago

Good catch! Maybe this should be added to the Mantis Bug Tracker?

I postet it on the Bug Tracker.
7 years 334 days ago

Good catch! Maybe this should be added to the Mantis Bug Tracker?

This comment was moderated 7 years 334 days ago by Jim Fox