Item Attributes Compendium?


Tried looking at the Inquisitor wiki but the information is basic, just goes into what weapon types have what abilities. I was hoping to find a list of what attributes a weapon could roll so I can plan builds out more efficiently.

As an example, I'm trying to do a single target dps, DoT, Radical Psyker, but the final DoT perk, Toxin Synergy, would work best with bleed, burn & poison/corrosion all together. I only have access to burn and bleed in my skill load out, and I can't find any Psyker abilities that would inflict poison/corrosion. I was hoping maybe there's a pistol that could inflict poison/corrosion, but I'm not finding any great source of information.

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Item Attributes Compendium?
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4 years 117 days ago
Sounds fantastic.
4 years 127 days ago
Cerberus Hades
some re-roll are not out yes since there on pc so be careful
4 years 127 days ago
We are planning to implement this feature into the game as well. 
4 years 128 days ago
That, or thank @BOROGOVE‍ directly for making this and other excellent tools for Martyr :-)
4 years 128 days ago
Cerberus Hades
You are a scholar and a saint.

Praise the Omnissiah.

4 years 128 days ago