Issues with this game (part 2)


You know those ARPG games, the one like Diablo,  POEe etc, the ones where you have a good boss fight and the rewards are loot and sometimes an epic item that can shape your character and you can’t wait to ID it and see what it does or read the lore text? Yeah IM is not that. The loot consists of the same garbage over and over again. In a universe set around a game that has a stupendous amount of lore and items, the devs decided to go with none of them. So what do you get?

White items: like all trash in games, scrap and sell

Blue items: (yeah they went back to front compared to most) – marginally better- scrap and sell.

Green items: standard fair, looks the same as all the other items visually, check to see if it has a minor boost over blue items or scrap and sell.

Orange items: relics, same as the others but with one more affix. Keep or scrap and sell

There are no legendaries, no unique’s, no lore weapons nothing. Just an endless haul of the same items that come in 4 different visual flavours, I would expect that from a game 15 years ago and even then they were better than this. The very core of what an ARPG  was lost on the devs here

AI issues

Ever felt you could enter a room, maybe tackle one corner at a time and move onto the boss? Forget it that’s not that IM is about, in this mode, a single shot triggers the mobs quicker than a snowflake student at a pro meat and guns seminar. They will rush from all directions and as their basic auto guns and las guns are blessed by the 5th chaos dev god they have a longer range than the sniper rifle. Don't even think about kiting the boss, as soon as it steps 5 meters away from its spawn it will decide to syop pumellign you in the face and run back home, regaining all the health it lost anyway. 

So there you are trying to find some of the games cover features, often solid stone pillars that crumble after 2-3 seconds of enemy fire while you are shooting back with your pathetically weak weapons and you have a choice, you can make a break for it but as they have pinpoint accuracy they will gun you down, or try and hide behind a corner only to notice they can shoot through walls just fine. But fear not, the Imperium's finest are just as thick, many a servant of the god-emperor has for whatever reason found itself trapped behind a door and waiting for you to rescue them, best you hurry though, the rooms are spawned randomly and might be at the other end of a map full of enemies you can’t kill quick enough. And your reward for rescuing the unlucky team, well they will need to be escorted safely to the exit and by escorted I mean they run straight into the enemy fire/poison/chainswords and die.


LET me take a well know 40k quote and rephrase it to suit this game:

“To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions (of cultists). It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody (server) imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science (for there is no loot) for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned (by the devs). Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity OF FU**ING CULTISTS!!!!

Yep, while the map graphics are good, its split into about 4 types, there is the space hulk corridor type with cultists, the beach type with cultists, the open area grey concrete type, with cultists, or …nope my bad, just the three types of terrain and the same cultists more or less for every mission. Cultists at lvl 1 and the same sods at lvl 50. Here and there a few space marines pop up, but by and large, the bread and butter of the game will be  killing the cultists on a map that is the same as every other map you’ve done over 1000 times before. If they had focused on having a few of maps with orks, nids, elder, or any of the myriad forces in the lore it might have been something but it’s the same shit over and over and over and you do this for the same bloody loot and terrible XP…

Terrible XP

There are two sides to this coin, on one hand, you have Diablo dumbed down for the plebs it’s possible to grind to max lvl in 4-5 hours. And yes that boring. Then there is this. Once the story mode is finished about mid 20’s you are stuck doing side quests which offer nearly nothing for your effort. You can ofc exchange fate points for the tarot mode but to get these you need to run 10 or more duller side quests. It can and will take a day of non-stop playing before your characters even start to unlock the weapons so commonly seen in the 40k game. I would understand if the XP grind was long and hard but the rewards were good and fast, but that’s just not the case. The rewards and loot Are crap, the enemies the same over and over, the texture and setting the same over and over and the XP gains and progression little or nothing to speak off, its like working in a boring office job you hate for 10 hours a day typing the same shit for little pay, most people play games to get out of that shit cycle not pay to be in it.

That wraps it up for part 2, there are good bits about this game but they pale to the bad bits. The reason I bother to write this is that I feel with some good overhauls, listen to the community and pull their heads out of their arses the devs can turn this around and have a great game. But from prev exp on dev teams for AAA I have my reservations as many a millennial dev simply can’t accept they made a mistake or that’s the community might know what they actually want in a game.

This post was edited 6 years 235 days ago by edfrancis001
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Issues with this game (part 2)
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6 years 231 days ago
Alexandra Moon
Alexandra... Listen. It is VERY important that you don't suck the game off 100% of the time. The DEV's appreciate us loving the game BUT... They also WANT and NEED constructive criticism. I want this game to work more than you, so don't help to fuck it up with your "good intentions" please. I'm serious. STOP.

Right now the game... Is not, what i felt i was promised. It feels like the game might have gone "finished" a tad bit early.

I'm pretty much playing solo(4-everalone). World Chat is down and they take, the week end off...

Idunno... I feel sad inside.

PS: EdFrancis.

How the fuck do you get MAX level(50) in 4-5 hours... Please tell me? 

Because i'm definitely doing something very wrong...

6 years 231 days ago
Ah, ok so such stuff like that is possible, one of the first things I said, is I didn't know that much lore.  So I didn't know it Was possible.
6 years 232 days ago
Posted by Alexandra Moon 6 years 234 days ago

Reading through it again, I also tend to disagree with pretty much every point, to me it seems like you just want another d3 clone, or a Path of Exile. Yes, there IS loot, not sure why you don't see it, do you really expect one bolter gun to work differently from another?  One Power sword, to slash in some esoteric way that makes it strangely unlike the one beside it?

Is one set off Armour so sanctified and holy that it gives the marine angel wings and summon a hoard of crazed unicorns from the unholy depths of Whimyshire?  I don't see how that can be the case, or why it should be.  A Lasgun is always a lasgun.  I don't see why it should gain a mystical ability just because.

At least to me, and I am NO lore aficionado, but isn't the whole point of the Imperium the fact that it is based on science so forgotten and misunderstood that technology has taken on an aspect of mysticism?  That means it might be said it has some strange power, but objectively, wouldn't actually do anything, unless some Psycher is involved as I understand it.

So I really don't know what you expect, the emporer's holy shoe isn't any thing more divine then lt. 3rd grade jock strap of the Militarium, just because he wore it.  So what exactly would a Legendary Lore piece of gear do that, chain sword 972 of backwater forge world wouldn't?

The AI.  I've posted on, but to me it just sounds like an intelligent opposition force trying to overwhelm an intruder, not get picked off piecemeal.  


As for repetition, it's an ARPG, kinda in the expectation.  Yeah we see a lot of Cultist, we're also in a well settled region of space, where I would find it odd to be facing Tyrind or most other threats, I seem to remember them teasing dark eldar coming after launch, we'll see.  But I seriously doubt a muti legion invasion by chaos space marines or such would be allowed in a sector so developed and secure.   Who knows maybe they'll add a new planet with an existing greenskin infestation.  That would be likely enough, as I hear their quite hard to get rid of.  Or an unknown tomb world could wake up.

XP...not going to lie, the grind is bad and real, maybe they should bring account leveling back, that was intresting as a premise, not sure why they removed it when they buffed xp gain.  It shouldn't take only hours to lvl, but It should be a lot faster than it is.  I'll agree.

With regards to weapons or things not being any more special than anything else in the Universe, that is actually not the case. Just off the top of my head:

1 - Fulgurite - artifact created by The Emperor's lightning when it struck the ground when he landed on a planet I can't remember the name of: It can permanently kill a perpetual; beings who cannot die, as in every time they die, they basically re-spawn - Vulkan Primarch of the Salamanders was one.

2 - Emperor's Spear - In the newest Horus Heresy book "Wolfsbane," the Primarch Leman Russ was gifted with a spear given to him by the Emperor which has magical properties including showing whoever wielded it, or who is cut by it the truth of things. Also, it is much more indestructible, damaging and powerful than other power spears.

3 - Daemonblade in newest Alpha Legion book wielded by the unit's psyker - Able to hurt a C'tan shard, which is MUCH more powerful than a normal power weapon.

4 - Emperor's Sword - wielded by the Emperor in 30k, now by the Primarch of the Ultramarines Roboute Guilliman in 40K; pretty much obliterates any daemon or warp touched being that touches it.

Those are just 4 instances off the top of my head, the first two in the 30K universe, the 3rd and 4th ones in the 40K universe. So there is DEFINITELY room to add Emperor touched weapons, or artifacts, especially because the Emperor has been around for like 34k years before being interned in the golden throne, meaning he has had A LOT of time to craft weapons, items, or imbue his power into things. Plus, you don't even need to do Emperor blessed items, as Inquisitors using daemon touched weapons and artifacts isn't unheard of either, let alone all the crazy Xenos technologies they can use.

So adding extremely rare legendary items is totally in the realm of reality in the 40K universe.

6 years 234 days ago
Invictus IX
Haaa always love it when somebody adds something original,.
6 years 234 days ago
lol git gud.
6 years 234 days ago
Alexandra Moon
Indeed, in fact if i wanted reality i would not guard sacred treasure with cultists and just stuff the room full of dreadnoughts, but game wise aside , it needs tweaking, esp the boss runnign out and then runnign back and healing to full. some if not 1/2 the builds rely on kiting their enemies, which doesn't work if they automatically run back and heal enroute.  the mob tactic is fine on some and broken with other bosses such as those three sorc bosses that call down the pillars of fire etc. - where it needs tweaking in also on the cover, if the room triggers, ok, fine, let me run out of the room and try to use cover a corner, but then they shoot though walls just fine, and as they all have extreme range on every gun,m even sniping doesnt work its a one shot, run out of the room, wait till skill cools down, - shoot again etc.

6 years 234 days ago
Alexandra Moon
That's the thing about the 40 side,. there are lots of different weapons and they are different, a primachs system is archeotech vastly more capable than an officers power sword. the novels, game and lore are full of named bits or techs, relics and items that do weird thigns and there is magick in 40k due to the warp. 

The base stuff can be simple changes.

Heavy bolter unlocks at lvl 5 say, similar to the one in game

Mars pattern unlocks at 12, and has double the ammo

X pattern unlocks at 18 and is the same with close spread

and/or legandry drops at 22 (has some flavour text) and had High hellfire bolts as standard (small aoe)  etc. 

The you just have regular stuff from the lore/codex etc, stuff that looks different, something that makes your toon shine a bit and look more fun.  the very core of the game/franchise is that people liek to create characters/lore/classes and paint/model things differently and customise stuff, by stopping that NEOCORE have not grasped the very basics of a universe they are tryign to build into a game. 

6 years 234 days ago
Alexandra Moon

Reading through it again, I also tend to disagree with pretty much every point, to me it seems like you just want another d3 clone, or a Path of Exile. Yes, there IS loot, not sure why you don't see it, do you really expect one bolter gun to work differently from another?  One Power sword, to slash in some esoteric way that makes it strangely unlike the one beside it?

Is one set off Armour so sanctified and holy that it gives the marine angel wings and summon a hoard of crazed unicorns from the unholy depths of Whimyshire?  I don't see how that can be the case, or why it should be.  A Lasgun is always a lasgun.  I don't see why it should gain a mystical ability just because.

At least to me, and I am NO lore aficionado, but isn't the whole point of the Imperium the fact that it is based on science so forgotten and misunderstood that technology has taken on an aspect of mysticism?  That means it might be said it has some strange power, but objectively, wouldn't actually do anything, unless some Psycher is involved as I understand it.

So I really don't know what you expect, the emporer's holy shoe isn't any thing more divine then lt. 3rd grade jock strap of the Militarium, just because he wore it.  So what exactly would a Legendary Lore piece of gear do that, chain sword 972 of backwater forge world wouldn't?

The AI.  I've posted on, but to me it just sounds like an intelligent opposition force trying to overwhelm an intruder, not get picked off piecemeal.  


As for repetition, it's an ARPG, kinda in the expectation.  Yeah we see a lot of Cultist, we're also in a well settled region of space, where I would find it odd to be facing Tyrind or most other threats, I seem to remember them teasing dark eldar coming after launch, we'll see.  But I seriously doubt a muti legion invasion by chaos space marines or such would be allowed in a sector so developed and secure.   Who knows maybe they'll add a new planet with an existing greenskin infestation.  That would be likely enough, as I hear their quite hard to get rid of.  Or an unknown tomb world could wake up.

XP...not going to lie, the grind is bad and real, maybe they should bring account leveling back, that was intresting as a premise, not sure why they removed it when they buffed xp gain.  It shouldn't take only hours to lvl, but It should be a lot faster than it is.  I'll agree.

6 years 234 days ago
I actually think the AI pulling the room is a... realistic thing so I don't mind it, I mean if you saw heard, or knew of something being attacked, wouldn't you run over to help?
6 years 235 days ago

You forgot about cultists on ice.

6 years 235 days ago
Agree with many of your points made.
6 years 235 days ago
Now that's funny...
6 years 235 days ago
The situation is horrible and sad. Like, in the dark grim of the far future threre are only cultists 
6 years 235 days ago
Thanks again for this Ed..

I suppose the thing that baffles me is why unlike every other ARPG i played, are you unable to change your equipment in a mission, so on the off chance that you did pickup a better gun / sword / whatever... you have to wait till the end of the mission to equip it, that makes no sense at all.

Apologies in advance if it's been explained why this is the case