Is there a pet class?


I usually like to play pet classes, totems in Poe, witch docs in diablo, etc. Is there a class and spec here that revolves around pets?

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Is there a pet class?
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6 years 246 days ago
Posted by Melchior 6 years 246 days ago
Not at the moment... But they have said that they will probably do others classes at a given time. And a pet classe as been often ask so there is good chance that such classe will be done :D 
The way I see it without resorting to Astartes, I see three other potential classes off-hand.

1: Mechanicus based Class. Fancy equipment and cybernetics. Servo-Skulls, Servitors and Cyber-animals. (Maybe even Cybernetica) 

2: Team based Class. Like the power armoured class, but without the power armour. Relies on guard and hires as protection instead.

3: Skitarii based class. Like the mechanicus, but instead of pets, get things like Radium Carbines, and other Skitarii gear.

6 years 246 days ago
no you have to play on your own ^^
6 years 246 days ago
Not at the moment... But they have said that they will probably do others classes at a given time. And a pet classe as been often ask so there is good chance that such classe will be done :D