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- Invisible obstacle
Invisible obstacle
Warhammer 40K Bug ReportHi, I have a problem with destroyed gun emplacements. When I destroy one, leave the room and come back later, the rubble of the gun emplacement is gone, but the area is still impassable, i.e. the destroyed gun emplacement becomes an invisible obstacle.
This is especially annoying when I think I can go through that area (because it looks like an empty space), but close combat enemies push me against the invisible obstacle in such a way that I cannot evade them anymore.
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Anything new on this? I am still encountering it.
It would be enough for me if the gun emplacement stays after destruction, so that I can see the obstacle...
Found another instance of this: The vanished remnants of alarm beacons produced invisible obstacles for me as well, which went almost unnoticed because they are so small.
Looks like it is not only that, but the remnants of the beacons become intermittently visible, i.e. the y are invisible when my char stands next to them, but if it takes a single step, the remnants become visible again.
I have some pics of this behaviour, but it looks like the way to link pics to this forum has changed...
Found another instance of this: The vanished remnants of alarm beacons produced invisible obstacles for me as well, which went almost unnoticed because they are so small.
Yes, indeed. They were those stationary guns that are manned by a single enemy.
Were these guns Stationary Cannons?
Set this current order state as My default.