Intended Result of a Fusion?


Finally i have gotten a Relic Grav Gun and made a Fusion with 4 Extra Items. But the result is laughable i think...

I did write down the orininal Stats just to compare with the outcome, but look for yourself


Item Power Level: 260

109 DMG

18 Overheat

* Stunned Enemies explode on kill, dealing area Damage (for 10x of the killing blow)

* + 5,4% to All Damage

* + 11 Critical Strength

* + 5,5% Critical Hit Chance

Fusioned Item:

Item Power Level: 336

109 Damage

18 Overheat

* Stunned Enemies explode on kill, dealing area Damage (for 10x of the killing blow)

* + 5,4% to All Damage

* + 11 Critical Strength

* + 1% Deflect

* + 5,5% Critical Hit Chance

Maybe i miss something here, but i +1% Defelct worth 76 Point of Item Power Level? Because nothing else has changed on this Item.

Is this a Bug or intended? Because putting 4 Relicts in there for fusion for this crap doesn´t seem to be worth it. And no, i have not gotten 100+ Relics till now, like some other people say that they have gotten. Am at around 10-15 till now on my Account.

Edit: changed a Typo at the DMG from the new item. It stayed at 109, not going up to 190 as my first post suggested, only Change on the Item was the +1% Deflect...

This post was edited 7 years 117 days ago by Kastagrar
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Intended Result of a Fusion?
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7 years 118 days ago

The damage went from 109-190. That's worth it to me, at 40+ relic's are fairly easy to get.

7 years 117 days ago

Ohh sorry, just saw this now. No it is not from 109 - 190. If it was that way, i would not complain :)

It stayed at 109. Just a typo up in my first Post. I will change that...