Inquisitor martyr xbox one dlc


I absolutely love this game hands down.......but why even though i spent £70 on the imperium edition with season pass do i have to pay £3.99 for the dlc that has been released today plus like £3 for the servo skull extra? I know it's not much but I spent all that money because in the description it specifically stated I would get everything that is released in the future as I bought the imperium edition which includes the season pass! Its ridiculous!!!

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Inquisitor martyr xbox one dlc
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6 years 170 days ago

Charybdis outpot

What different kind  item can I  get?   on this  DLC(    Charybdis outpo  )  mission ????

it  cost   $3.99  /   £3.49 /   145NT   !!!!!!

I just wanna know?   Does it worth ?  

6 years 170 days ago

Season one is coming to consoles - what PC users have had in the last two months is a buggy wreck - and its still bad, plus I've noticed a graphical downgrade in the most recent patch.  It would be nice if all content was made available to both console owners and PC, which what my post was about.

The idea of a season pass is that future content is available in one purchase - currently PC owners are unable to buy one. so...

6 years 170 days ago
The outerpost thing is a pre-order bonus.... the mind plague is the November DLC 
6 years 170 days ago
Because there is  no season passes for pc's the DLC mind plague isn't even out yet it will be November... pc have had martyr for two months longer...console.have missed an event already and has no way of getting anything for it .. you also have season 1.... consoles do not so......?
6 years 170 days ago
At least you are able to buy DLC - the PC currently has nothing.
6 years 170 days ago

I would like to forward our console publisher's official statement in this matter to everyone who is concerned about the case mentioned above:

The Charybdis Outpost DLC was intended as a pre-order bonus with specific retailers. Now that this timed-exclusive offer has ended, this DLC is available for individual purchase for everyone and is not part of the Season Pass.

The first Season Pass content drop on consoles will be the Mind Plague DLC, arriving in early November.

We will communicate a more detailed console roadmap this week.
Apologies for the confusion this may have caused.

6 years 171 days ago
Tennex Prime
The mind plague for example is PAID DLC which is what season pass is for don't pay.  the pc owners will have to pay... season pass is for 22 bits of paid DLC.... we will get exactly what pc gets as in free updates the only difference is season pass holders don't pay for the individual paid DLC 
6 years 171 days ago
Tennex Prime
No the season pass is for for Paid DLC I'm sure the pc do t get season passes so they'll have to buy he individually... seasons are free which are for all platforms tho I agree if you paid for the imperial edition an still have to pay for the pet and footprints that's a bit of a kick in the teeth
6 years 172 days ago
I did some research and seems that the dlc was a peeorder bonus, probably it will not be part of the season pass but an official note would be nice. I want to stay positive but with the season postponed to november some more content will be appreciated. 
6 years 172 days ago
Your not understanding the point, I have the season pass but it's trying to charge me for a dlc on the xbox store...actually read it before putting a shitty comment next time pal, I understand that pc gets updates and content free but on console we have to buy a season pass and that itself is simply to get all the content plus saving us money.....the fact is that whoever owns the season pass is still getting charged for content and they are not explaining why! 
6 years 173 days ago

Is everyone a friggin retard on here?!!! Season pass will add 20 or so bits of DLC over a period of time.... check road map as the mind hive is.part of the season pass content...... seasons are  FREE content updates which pc has.already ... all DLC the console get pc will have to pay for as they don't get season passes I'm assuming they'll sell them individually

This comment was edited 6 years 173 days ago by Gavinus
6 years 173 days ago

I also would like a clarification on this, since I have the season pass the dlc should be the in ready to install page but it isn't. I can't find any information on the dlc and seems pretty strange to me. 

Also i noticed that the release date of the dlc is 05/07/2018 so before the game release, this may cause the problem with the season pass license. 

This comment was edited 6 years 173 days ago by R6Krycek