Inquisitor Martyr: Sororitas DLC (ALL CHARACTERS) Shop/Bug/Freeze and Leave Mission/Loot (Report)


So I was playing my Psyker today and selling stuff to the Captain, and I decided to buy the new Sorortias DLC and play as a Battle Sister...

After finishing the first five missions and sorting out the garbage, I went to the Captain to sell everything as usual.

Only I can't, I can right-click on items but they don't sell, also I cannot back out of the shop page with the escape key, or by clicking the X in the upper right, the bug's features:

  • The game remains responsive, I can click between the pages of my inventory and the shop inventory.
  • The game does not lock up my screen, I can alt-tab out, as well as load task manager to end the process.
  • I can equip items freely and put them in storage outside of the shop area.
  • I can sell items to the shop on all other character classes.
  • EDIT: The items do "sell"/vanish from my inventory after a reboot, but I am still blocked from exiting the shop without force-closing the game.

I don't know what's going on here, but I'd appreciate if it could be fixed.

Said character is a Seasonal character, if it helps.


Edit #2: another bug, leaving missions as the Battle Sister causes the character teleport away but leave you stuck in-mission without a character, starting from the sixth mission where you find the three planets the Magos Biologis went to. Sometimes you come back to the ship after waiting, other times not.

When I force-closed my game after the second bug, I retained all experience I had earned during the mission, but none of my drops, so there was some "update" to my character.

After I successfully returned to the ship post-mission, I had none of my drops from that mission, but I did get credit for the story completion and my task log moved onto the next mission successfully.


Edit #3: ALL CHARACTERS ARE EXPERIENCING THE SELL BUG, do all characters experience the mission/loot bug?

Going to see if I can deactivate the DLC for now, this is ridiculous.


Edit #4: Disabling the DLC through Steam didn't fix the above bugs with shop and mission completion, trying a verify integrity now, most of the old posts for these issues literally are 3 or 4 years past and not helpful.

File verification was successful; all bugs/errors still present; worse if anything, now loading storage is sluggish too.


Edit #5: Did a full reinstall after file verification didn't solve the issues, all issues are still present, I give up.

This post was edited 2 years 86 days ago by JediJuliet
Store Page
2 years 86 days ago

We fixed the issue on our end and according to our backend developers the item/XP/progress loss bug should no longer appear in the game. 

Sorry for the caused troubles!

2 years 86 days ago
Got the new Soroitas DLC.  Played for a bit and went to log back in and my character's collected gear is gone and all the gear has been reset as if she is a new character.
2 years 86 days ago

Not even a full reinstall fixed it, time to give up and wait, yes.

2 years 86 days ago
Kk let's wait till tomorrow hope they'll fix it 
2 years 86 days ago
I too have experienced a delay in the return to ship after completion and clicking teleport. I have lost items that have been looted from 3 missions. Even though i retain experience and credits rewards.

I am also starting to experience issues with the shop upon return. But alas I have no items to sell due to not returning with any.

2 years 86 days ago
Almost certainly a patch, file verification didn't return any errors, but now even trying to load storage seems to have server issues.
2 years 86 days ago

I'm here to report same problem,sell bug - stuck at the selling window with no options to close/sell/anything

No loot after mission

all the same: character teleports away after mission and game just remains in a mission without any UI for about 30 sec

guess patch needed or refund I guess

2 years 86 days ago
Similar issue here, no items in inventory or storage. My character keeps leveling up but has old items equipped but kept no items from the last missions
2 years 86 days ago
Here to report the same bug, also, am stuck at mission 4 on the Martyr, and every time the mission ends, just takes me out to repeat the same mission, but my level keeps going up while my items disappear.
2 years 86 days ago

I disabled the Sororitas DLC through Steam (now I can see my Battle Sister but the play button is greyed out and says I must own the DLC) and the sell bug is still occurring.

I was literally JUST extracting from missions and selling items perfectly fine before adding the DLC to my account though, like I literally closed the game down and loaded it back up to be able to create a Battle Sister, back to back.

I'm going to verify the integrity of my files, might even do a full uninstall/reinstall, but I don't know what to do if neither works.

Hopefully the developers are paying attention I guess.

This comment was edited 2 years 86 days ago by JediJuliet
2 years 86 days ago

I came here to report both of these bugs. My progress stopped at mission 5, where I attempted to complete it 4 times and it would just linger in the level after the end cutscene and then just kick back to the tutorial mission select screen showing mission 5 as incomplete and I couldn't go further. I deleted that character and made a new one and skipped the tutorial missions and then went to the shop and had it stuck there where I couldn't close it and had to alt+f4.

Both characters were the new Sororitas class.

2 years 86 days ago

Currently I'm experiencing the sell bug on all characters now, when I wasn't before getting the DLC.

I'm assuming the mission bug is also not just for the Battle Sister, unfortunately old posts about those bugs are like from 2019 and not helpful for a new DLC breaking the game.

I can wait and eventually the shop will close as well, but that doesn't help the actual sell issue either.

Going to see if I can disable Sororitas, I think I'm past Steam letting me refund it.

This comment was edited 2 years 86 days ago by JediJuliet
2 years 86 days ago
Came to report this bug too. Started with the third find Thelema mission, locked in after teleporting out until it fades to black a minute or so later.

NOw after completing the next mission i am stuck permanently getting the rewards for "saving caius thorne" so can't start any more missions.

2 years 86 days ago
I'm having the same problem and buying/selling items on battle sisters