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- Inquisitor - Martyr: Patch v.0.4.1
Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. It is also recommended to delete any launch parameters you previously had (you can re-add them if they help again, but it is safer to assume everything works best without them). Please also note that the backend server might take up to 30 minutes to transfer to the newest update, during which time login will not be possible.
- Fixed black scren on mission start
- Fixed the missing loot box on the mission end/level-up screen
- Fixed misleading strings for Heroic Deeds where the tooltip stated 500 and the progress bar stated 250.
- Fixed Stun Mine animation bug
- Added Assassin Perk: Burnished Weaponry
- Fixed a crash occurring upon exiting the game
- Fixed a typo on the loot screen
- Fixed a crash occurring during weapon overheat
- Fixed a crash occurring during cabal name editing
- Tweaked font-size / screen resolution relations
- Fixed a bunch of memory leaks
- Fixed a crash on the wardrug window
- /invite command now works properly
Known issues: investigation/tarot stuck - these are getting fixed ASAP too.
This post was
7 years 246 days ago by
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