Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. It is also recommended to delete any launch parameters you previously had (you can re-add them if they help again, but it is safer to assume everything works best without them). Please also note that the backend server might take up to 30 minutes to transfer to the newest update, during which time login will not be possible.

With this update, we have issued an aforementioned character wipe due to the massive changes to the skill system and game balance, not to mention itemization. Hopefully the new gameplay experience will prove to be a lot better :)


First Iteration of Tier System

The game is divided into large chunks of difficulties - subsectors. Every subsector will represent a player Tier. One Tier will include 10-20 power levels to gain. Arriving at the end of a tier will mean maxing out the current content and gathering "end-game" gear - until you arrive at the next tier, the next subsector, of course. Currently, the first Tier is available.

This is where the new item rarity,currently named Relics, will come into play, with more powerful, unique enchants, special skill combinations - and badass looks. Relics will be basically the best-in-slot items for the tier, allowing players to max out the content available for them in that subsector (endless missions, for example), and pass through to the next Tier, opening up a new Subsector.

Redesigned Skill Tree

  • There is now a limited set of skill trees available for each class specialization. Choose wisely!
  • Added new artwork and GUI elements for the new skill window
  • Unlocking new Skill Trees can be done by completing Heroic Deeds.

New Mission End Screen & Level Up Screen

  • While the game is loading during the end of a mission, players can now see and arrange their awards from that mission
  • After gaining Character Levels, there is a new Level Up screen where players can see and manage their freshly gained attributes

Other New Features

  • Players can now take cover in doorways
  • Enemies now have their type displayed below their names
  • New notification on item icons indicating freshly acquired items
  • Unique Points of Interest:
    • Players can find certain space stations with NPCs located in them who are selling various rare bonuses, giving sidequests
    • New Endless Arena mission available


New map subsetting: Nurgle Infested Indoors

Existing map settings such as the Imperial Indoors setting will receive sub-settings continuously. The first instalment is the Nurgle Infested version.

New map weather/lighting settings

  • We are introducing lighting and weather settings to Imperial Indoors and Rocky Terrain maps (Landing Platforms will follow soon!). Currently the following settings can be rolled: Default, Clear, Night, Dusk, Rainy, Foggy

New Map Scripts and sub-quests

Among the existing ones, players may encounter the following scripts during missions:

  • Sentry Trap: A large chest in the middle of the room. It holds great treasure...or is it a trap, spawning 3 sentries behind you?
  • Skull Sentry Trap: Cross the laser beam between two skulls, and a sentry turret descends from above.
  • Skull Sentry Floor Trap: Cross the laser beam between two skulls, and a turret emerges from the ground.
  • Shrines: Activating the first Shrine gives you a sub-quest - if you activate all three, enemies will lose a chunk of their HP.
  • Summoning Ritual: 3 cultists begin summoning a Demon if you approach them, giving a sub-quest to disrupt the ritual in time.
  • Broken Turret: An enemy turret is being constructed - complete the sub-quest by killing all the workers - or face the barrage.
  • Protect your Allies: A group of your allies is holding back the attackers! Protect them with all your might!
  • Assault: A group of your allies is taking a heavily guarded enemy radio tower. Help them!


  • The Mixed weapon sets are back! Players can finally wield Pistol/Sword and Shield/Pistol combos
  • Introducing the new item tier: Relic Items
  • New 2-handed weapons introduced for the Assassin
  • Loads of new available item Enchants, just to name a few: Bonus Suppression per Kill, Bonus Suppression per Hit, Bonus HP regen in cover, Bonus Suppression regen in cover, Resist All, +HP/kill, Melee damage reduction, Ranged damage reduction, Inoculator Heal%, Inoculator CD reduce, Inoculator Capacity Bonus, Inoculator Duration Bonus, Inoculator Refill Bonus, Free Inoculator Use, Inoculator CD Reduction/Kill, Ammo Capacity Bonus, Overheat Reduction, Resource Cost Reduction, and so on!
  • Weapons now have level requirements


  • Rebalanced Starting Gear for all classes
  • Difficulty curve is tweaked so fresh characters have it a bit easier
  • Expertises are a lot more important now for characters
  • Major monster balance overhaul
  • Assault Armor's Assault Jump skill cost is reduced from 40 to 30
  • There is now a bigger stat gap between different item tiers
    • The lower the item quality is, the less chance the item has to receive a rare enchant (if at all)


  • Fixed item loss occurring during Crafting
  • Various graphical glitches fixed
  • Fixed invisible crafting slots
  • Fixed a chat issue with the slider
  • Fixed a missing item string for Remote Mine's Regen
  • Fixed an issue where enemy bits crawled up on walls on Floating Platform Maps
  • Fixed aggro range of Nurgle Apostle's spawn skill 
  • Fixed a typo in the Tech Tree
  • Numerous other bug fixes (Will be added to changelog later)

Known issues:

  • Loot window background not final
This post was edited 7 years 200 days ago by Megapull
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7 years 226 days ago

Rules for ARPG's kinda dictate enemies can't all be small minions, you need variety on a single map from small to large to larger to boss like. For that reason marines have to be included from the start. Try and name a single ARPG that has nothing but standard man sized enemies till "end game" :D

7 years 226 days ago

Are we playing the same game ? I have my assassin to level 4 after only 3 missions ? Methinks it's you, not the game.

7 years 226 days ago

And still no performance fixes, all this content is totally useless for me untill they fix the engine

7 years 226 days ago

While there are finally noticeable changes to the balancing, it still has a long way to go.  It really is hard for me to believe that this is the same company that gave us Van Hellsing.  Right now, the biggest problem is the mob sizes and the over reliance on special enemies.  They are hardly special if they're in every single mob.  Admittedly though, Van Hellsing had this same problem with mob sizes, but it worked better because you had Katrina, and she did most of the work for you (it seemed).

Yet it is clear from both these games that the devs have yet to figure out how to balance their games.  Chaos Marines should be late game enemies, not something a novitiate would encounter on their first mission.

These guys seriously need to sit down with Diablo and see how a AAA company scales a game from low to high level and from solo to a full group (whatever number that might be).  Because right now, as far as solo is concerned, assault gunner is the only viable class and assassin is still completely unplayable.

7 years 226 days ago

That my friend is the best excuse ever :D 

7 years 226 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Thanks ..was so hyped i didnt read all of it

7 years 226 days ago

" With this update, we have issued an aforementioned character wipe due to the massive changes to the skill system and game balance, not to mention itemization. Hopefully the new gameplay experience will prove to be a lot better :) "

Maybe they have to make it bold and pink next time to make it stand out even more! lol :D - The friends list wipe etc just comes with them resetting all information. It's normal. 

7 years 226 days ago

Complete Character Wipe? even Cabal and friend list...or am i doing smth wrong?

7 years 226 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 7 years 226 days ago

just click the middle of the screen. Nothing is stuck for 95% of players, it's just a missing icon in the middle of the screen to click. After doing that the continue button will light up. 

Yep, i also was stuck in the reward screen but by clicking in the middle it advanced. Great update even with those minor bugs.

This comment was edited 7 years 226 days ago by HoorTael
7 years 226 days ago

just click the middle of the screen. Nothing is stuck for 95% of players, it's just a missing icon in the middle of the screen to click. After doing that the continue button will light up. 

7 years 226 days ago

same problem here.. if i restart the game i m still stuck in the mission complete screen without the ability to click the continue button .. 

7 years 226 days ago

Last time I played was with the performance optimasion. There it was very well working with "very high" graphics. Now I have long loading screens again and needed to reduce to "low". Is it just my pc whats dieing or can it be that that patch made something bad with performance?

7 years 227 days ago

Keep an eye on the forums buddy, i know there is a lot to read through - but we have known for 4 months that there would be 200+ skill points, 15-20 skill trees and 50+ perks :D - Trouble is when they respond to threads it tends to get lost in the archives of the forum xD - They certainly do listen though, and make changes where they can.

This comment was edited 7 years 227 days ago by Airsick Hydra
7 years 227 days ago

i cant find the edit button or mybe i am just blind sorry for having 2 pose but keep up the good work if  the Development team keep hearing our TOT  and comment i just might buy the $300 founder pack just to support and show how much i appriciate what this team are doing. Thank you for making a great game i just might cry cause of how happy i am that i found a great game with a good team working on it. 

7 years 227 days ago

WOW i did not think they would listine to me when i told them gave a limited set of skill points and add alot of skill that way every one have a differen build not gave every one the all the skill point so how does every one have a different build when ever one have the same skill LOL. 

Nice thank you for listing to me. you guys rock 

7 years 227 days ago

just click the middle of the screen when that happens. Its just that there is a missing icon to click. 

7 years 227 days ago

hmmm...first bug, finished the first mission, continue button wont get active, had to alt-f4...also, the direction stucks more than before, at least it felt so. often the char keeps running for a while before stopping, even if i keep my fingers of the keys. but it seems to happen when moving and shooting. only moving seems normal. only shooting...dont move much :)

7 years 227 days ago

Oh my lord, I love you guys. This looks amazing ! Praise the Emperor !!

7 years 227 days ago

Another good day to be an imperial citizen. Three meals a day and a new patch to play. 

7 years 227 days ago

This looks to be an amazing update huge Kudos to the whole team.

Time to get testing, Happy Hunting fellow Inquisitors.

7 years 227 days ago

At all developer one : great work, We will probably have a great game on w40k after so long