Inquisitor Martyr And The Endless Spellcasts


So I subscribe to various cheat engines that let you plug in strange game effects that completely mutilate the game balance to let you pull off impossible feats. I don't do it when I can't win at the game, the game is perfectly playable without cheats and the challenge of the various levels of difficulty is completely enjoyable and reasonable... but sometimes I like having the game shaken up with something extraordinary that makes my character completely god-like. I know, I could just go seek out missions that are made for characters twenty levels lower than mine if I wanted to feel all-powerful, but I'd rather take on characters twenty levels higher and have insta-cast skills with no cooldowns and no drain that leads to needing cool-downs or reloading. It's fun, I enjoy it, but I also noticed there's a scoring system in this game, and a PvP mode, where you can duel other players. Should I be worried about this contriving to a circumstance where I'm injuring the game's score-keeping? Are there things I should and shouldn't do in regards to being responsible with these tools for modifying the gaming experience? I want to keep playing with cheats every now-and-then, but I really don't want to end up ranked with the top ten from it, when I'm not naturally able to hold my own with the top ten thousand. Is there something I can do to avoid hurting the reputation of others just because I enjoy the experience of gaming with cheats activated?

Side note: All of the cheat providers I know of keep to strict policies about whether or not they'll make cheats for a game, and they don't allow it when it could infringe on other players' experiences... but I still wonder if there's anything I need to be aware of if I'm to play nice and yet still hack the engine.

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Inquisitor Martyr And The Endless Spellcasts
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3 years 226 days ago
Yes, you are off the leaderboards entirely.
3 years 227 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 3 years 228 days ago

I removed you from all the scoreboards as you playing with mods is unfair towards other players who struggle to get a better placement. 

Otherwise, although we won't encourage and will speak against it, if you use cheats we won't ban you.

Thank you so much.  It's permanent that I'm off the scoreboards, right? You didn't just reset my score, you banned me from ending up on the ladder? I don't want to resume cheating if it's just going to repeat the predicament of me having a high score that I didn't rightly earn.
3 years 227 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 3 years 228 days ago

I removed you from all the scoreboards as you playing with mods is unfair towards other players who struggle to get a better placement. 

Otherwise, although we won't encourage and will speak against it, if you use cheats we won't ban you.

It would be nice if players could opt out of leaderboards themselves.
3 years 228 days ago

I removed you from all the scoreboards as you playing with mods is unfair towards other players who struggle to get a better placement. 

Otherwise, although we won't encourage and will speak against it, if you use cheats we won't ban you.

This comment was edited 3 years 226 days ago by Marcopolocs
3 years 231 days ago
Well damn. Sucks for me.

What are the ways my actions may have influenced other players' experiences of the game? I understand the horrible mistake of what I've done to the leaderboard score for myself... but what else might I have fucked up by screwing around with edited game faculties?

3 years 232 days ago

Heh, this is a first. A cheater proclaiming that he likes to cheat and asking if his cheating can affect the leaderboards :D

Yes, your cheating can definitely affect the leaderboards and other players' experience.

What you should do? You should never use these 3rd party utilities.

Most games include some sort of licencing statement, usually called Terms of Use, Terms of Service or EULA (End User Licence Agreement). Yes, the text that everyone skips when creating an account or launching a game for the first time.

That text actually contains information regarding your question. It states that modifying the game, creating and/or using cheats, hacks, bots and similar software is prohibited, so no matter what your intention is, by using 3rd party software that affects the game you are breaching these Terms of Use.

Even if your intention was to "have fun" in solo play, you're risking losing all your characters and getting your steam account with all your games banned.