Inquisitor Clothing and Colour


I noticed that in all the pics I've seen of inquisitors or assassins or even the miniatures, the colours are very dark and greys.
Is this just by choice ? Or are there some inquisitors that have a brightly coloured armour ?

I'm kind of more looking for a codex kind of answer here, like is it a special colour that denotes their order or something not really have you seen one painted in bright colours.

I wonder if all the armour will be darker style colours in game for players, perhaps I've only seen the gold and black armour on my dude.

Thanks in advance ! Keep up the good fight !

This post was edited 8 years 19 days ago by Pappagussepi
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Inquisitor Clothing and Colour
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8 years 19 days ago
Very cool, methinks I should read one of the novels.
8 years 19 days ago
Game kNight
Huh ! super cool, that bodes well for wargear =)
8 years 19 days ago
Posted by Puzzony 8 years 19 days ago

Copypasta'd from the wikia:

"In addition to their Inquisitorial Seal, an Inquisitor's clothing and personal effects may well contain all manner of subtle information about his philosophy, allegiances and contacts. There is no set cipher to this iconography, for it has developed over ten thousand years and contains many levels of hidden meanings, and indeed some symbols will mean various things to different Inquisitors in different parts of the galaxy. This symbolism is not always a conscious effort on the part of the Inquisitor."

So, basically apart the inquisitorial seal, their clothing is their own choice, even if on a subconscious level.

Massive customization options possible!

I wish we get to add colors to at least our cloth parts - I'd love me some orange clothing! ;)

8 years 19 days ago

Copypasta'd from the wikia:

"In addition to their Inquisitorial Seal, an Inquisitor's clothing and personal effects may well contain all manner of subtle information about his philosophy, allegiances and contacts. There is no set cipher to this iconography, for it has developed over ten thousand years and contains many levels of hidden meanings, and indeed some symbols will mean various things to different Inquisitors in different parts of the galaxy. This symbolism is not always a conscious effort on the part of the Inquisitor."

So, basically apart the inquisitorial seal, their clothing is their own choice, even if on a subconscious level.