Inferno Season Issue


Greetings. Just recently bought Martyr on Steam. Wanting to try everything, created a character with Season of Inferno. I've done a number of Random missions, and the first tier does not register. Second tier did.

Steam ID: Wrb41977

Game ID: Xeni

I use a PC, if that helps.

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Inferno Season Issue
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167 days ago
Hello and welcome to our game! 

As far as I can tell by our backend server, you've got neither Tier (1 or 2) completed yet, but have got progress in both. What is it exactly that doesn't line up with your perceived progress? 

167 days ago

Sorry. Let me see if I can clarify/rephrase. The Tier 1 requirement Laudable Commitment requires 3 Random Assignments and has not registered, while I see that the Tier 2 requirement Extended Duty (20 Random Assignments) has registered.

165 days ago
I see, thank you for the clarification! I've now set the counter to 2 out of 3, this should get it unstuck. Let me know if you are able to complete it this way or no! 
165 days ago
Unfortunately it didn't work. Tried two different randoms.

Side question: What is an add-on? Seem to be stymied on that task, too.

164 days ago
But CAN you see the two out of three now? Does your counter reflect my initial change? If so, I can simply complete it for you :) 
164 days ago

It did. Then either you, someone else, or me finishing a Priority Assignment triggered it.

163 days ago
'twas all you :) Sorry about the trouble, though, in the first place. Glad it's completed now!
163 days ago
Thanks for the help.
152 days ago
Discovered something. Inferno season and maybe one or two of the earliest seasons state to finish one or more random assignments. Later seasons seem to clarify that you need to choose a random or DLC assignment through the astropath. Not sure if this helps anyone else, but thought it important to note.