Impossible to play with a friend online. Servers are full or matching is disabled


During last two days I can't play online. If we create a party and try to play we get a Full Servers message, and if I try to play online matcaking so disabled. It's really annoying, I spent a lot of money to buy the game on PS4 and brought PSPlus to play online and now I can't.

Store Page
6 years 79 days ago

Our apologize for the coop issue, this problem has required time to solve and we could avert it eventually! It is working now as intended!

This comment was edited 6 years 79 days ago by Marcopolocs
6 years 79 days ago
Sadly it did'nt work for me as well. Tried very often but there is just no way at the moment. To quote one of the greatest minds on that ever lived: SAD! ;)
6 years 79 days ago

I just said we must be patient. We will know more tomorrow about the problem

6 years 79 days ago
Same issue on xbox one x. :(
6 years 79 days ago
that is not normal.

I've never once encountered that.

6 years 79 days ago

Weekend, it’s normal. We have to be patient until monday.

6 years 80 days ago
and no statement from neo since it starts..