I pulled out the skill "archeotech constructs" and it was blocked.


I pulled out/turned off the skill "archeotech constructs" and it was blocked.
To unlock it again, I need to perform the achievement again.. 100 times not to die for a techno adept...  (Complete the task 100 times a second time without dying... that's quite a long time..)

A little bit of pre-history.
I haven't played my techno adept for a long time and found that all the talents were erased.
I had to redistribute them all over again.

after a couple of missions
I removed the skill "archeotech constructs" and it stopped being available.

My 3 castellan robots were still available in combat, but I could no longer summon 2 spider packs.

Store Page
I pulled out the skill "archeotech constructs" and it was blocked.
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3 years 48 days ago

As I see this perk has been renamed half a year ago. It was originally Emanatus Field. But what I can't see is the change in its unlock requirement. I'm not sure what happened on your end but if this perk locks automatically after being unlocked and used for a period of time we will fix it. 

Thanks for the report!