I dont feel like an inquisitor, I feel like an Imperial Guard


So, Excitedly I picked up this game, I was waiting on DoW 3 and since that turned out to not be my thing I jumped straight on this.    Sadly after dabbling with Inquisitor Martyr I may be back to playing DoW 1 and 2 for my Purging for a while, but rather than just be salty I wanted to try and give some actual feedback

So firstly and this is perhaps the most difficult to quantify points that I will make but here goes.

I do not feel like an Inquisitor, I do not feel like the hand of the Rightous purging heresy and cleansing Xenos I feel like an Imperial Guard, I die in a matter of 2 seconds and the best tactic is to use hit and run, mostly run I can not state this highly enough this is not how I want to approach being one of the highest tiers of imperial justice.  This is most profound when playing a Melee crusader, the best use of power jump is to run in, pull a couple of mobs and then jump away and hide around the corner.....

Look, I hate to bring up other ARPGS but Diablo, Path of Exile, Grim Dawn hell even Van Helsing got this right yes there is decisions to be made, fight or retreat but unless I am 1 v 1 with a mob, hit and run seems to be the only viable play style for a crusader.  If I wanted to play a Coward I would have looked for Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard.  ARPGs in general but especially a 40k one should be about being the tip of the spear "THEY SHALL KNOW NO FEAR" instead I am reduced to engaging in battles of attrition with mobs.

I get the point of the combat being tactical, but I should wade into trash mobs feeling like the hand of the emperor him self, death sent in to judge the heretic, More John Wick and less John Bon Jovi please.

Now onto combat its self, the cover mechanic is a great idea as is the destructible environments, however this is wasted when most of the cover is used for making sure you line of sight 3/4 of the mobs so you can carefully dictate who follows and who doesn't my use of cover is less about taking time to reload in the face of the emperors endless enemies and more about abusing AI.

Guns feel meaty in your hands but seem to fire off something the equivalent of rubber bullets, yes 40k is the Grim Dark and you nailed the atmospherics, but its also about being over the top and bombastic, it is at its best when you are the tip of the spear.

I love the slightly slower more purposeful movement of the Crusader as opposed to the anime jumpfrog style of other ARPGS but unless that purpose is backed up by feeling like a juggernaut of destruction it just becomes slow.   Do not mistake me, I want a challenge especially on my bosses but I don't like feeling like my power armour is made of paper when I fight and lead when I move.

I know this sounds hyper critical but I really like the idea you are selling, the power fantasy of being one of the Imperiums finest but my first impression is that this game is not about that fantasy, I hope I am wrong and I am really looking forward to seeing how this game pans out but my new player experience is one that has left me wondering if I dodged one bullet and instead ran into a chainsword.

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I dont feel like an inquisitor, I feel like an Imperial Guard
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7 years 328 days ago
Posted by Kothoses 7 years 328 days ago

Thanks for the replies and insight guys.  I will look into the suggestions about pushing ranged more, maybe I just suck at the game (and thats ok because I can fix that).  

Maybe it is my own expectations that were a bit out of sync too, I guess future updates will show that, and @Sorain you make a very good point, perhaps I am viewing the Inquisitors role in the wrong light, perhaps its in the side activities that they shine, but again I do like me some over the top purging.

Either way, just based on the quality of the forums here alone, I think I made the right choice getting this over DoW 3 and I will try again with the other two ranged variants of the crusader and see where I get, If I still dont get it, I will simply wait until its further down the line.

Either way, I have faith, I have the Vanhelsing games on Steam and I really enjoyed those and the combat in them so I am pretty sure this game is in good hands.  I will however come back to this topic when I have a few more days of ploughing in to the game out of the way.

No reason to start over. The three things they have you choose between at character creation are just starting sets of gear. There's no actual difference.

7 years 328 days ago
akmal bafoev

Thanks for the replies and insight guys.  I will look into the suggestions about pushing ranged more, maybe I just suck at the game (and thats ok because I can fix that).  

Maybe it is my own expectations that were a bit out of sync too, I guess future updates will show that, and @Sorain you make a very good point, perhaps I am viewing the Inquisitors role in the wrong light, perhaps its in the side activities that they shine, but again I do like me some over the top purging.

Either way, just based on the quality of the forums here alone, I think I made the right choice getting this over DoW 3 and I will try again with the other two ranged variants of the crusader and see where I get, If I still dont get it, I will simply wait until its further down the line.

Either way, I have faith, I have the Vanhelsing games on Steam and I really enjoyed those and the combat in them so I am pretty sure this game is in good hands.  I will however come back to this topic when I have a few more days of ploughing in to the game out of the way.

7 years 328 days ago

Can I ask what level you are in game? - I think the crusader is pretty much capable of stomaching anything if you build him into it and play sensibly. Can't expect a game that relies on progression to throw you in at level 1 being badass. There would be no point in collecting new gear and leveling up if you started off with the play-style you wanted to keep. 

As for having to click / move to avoid stuff, I think that will just come with the genre, maybe you can spec past the need to move out of the way of damage. But for the majority of players it's the only way to make the combat remotely entertaining, otherwise you would just stand still and shoot them one at a time.

- I would say wait till the game has some progression and more leveling added. You will feel more "capable" - But just for now remember you are the lowest rank / level within the game. 

7 years 328 days ago

So... this is not what I expected to read when I saw the thread title. Which isn't a condemnation, just an observation.

I had assumed you'd be focused on the fact we're lone wolf or small cell strike units at the moment. You know, like acolytes and Retinue to Inquisitors tend to be used. This is being offset some with the investigation and it's choices (being able to call in some IG would be nice once implemented. Possibly Arbites/gang scum too for verity?) which I do like.

But unless we just got the rosette and have zero resources to work with beyond the rogue trader who's ship we are on and the two magos supporting us... yeah this don't quite match the image in my head.

Which isn't bad, just means the title doesn't match what you are selling. And I very much like what we do have (especially since this is early stages!) here. Call me a fool, but this is the best equivalent to a video game version of Dark Heresy thus far in production.

To the OP and your entirely valid issues: I'm a ranged fighter by preference, but I've seen melee being ineffective myself. Sure, the ability to actually block some damage with a shield helps, but on the most tanky of characters (the only one we have access to right now while Assassin is being worked on.) it feels overwhelming trying to fight the hordes up close. Lots of running out of the way of a Dreadnought or other melee elite's big slam attack, where a dodge roll would fill nicely instead of showing my back to them every time. (And perhaps that'll be a matter of 'Assassin is the way to go for melee fighting')

I got very lucky and crafted a powerful set of armor early, so part of it is going to come down to getting a solid set of equipment, clearly. But Melee is being worked on, so I'll reserve judgement.

7 years 328 days ago

Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated!

Hopefully the next content update (which comes very soon hopefully) will ease your pain a bit as weapon and monster balance is brought in with a lot more covers to utilize.

This comment was edited 7 years 328 days ago by Megapull
7 years 328 days ago

You're trying to play melee too early. Start with ranged and then switch back to melee after you get some tanking skills and gear. Melee is slightly underpowered compared to ranged, but only slightly. Even as melee the game is super easy. It's just hard to start as melee on a brand new character.

This comment was edited 7 years 328 days ago by Bitskrieg
7 years 328 days ago

at starting levels, almost any game looks same.

a bit later, your character will act as chariot of Juggernaut, destruct anybody and anything.

for example, i do not even collect grenades and inoculators refill cause never use that, and do not wear best equipment i have cause want more xp and glory :)