Huge credit is due the development team.


I cannot stand the vast, overwhelming majority of the individuals in this community. I actually deeply, vehemently, hate you. 

You take everything as a personal affront. 

You assume the worst at every possible junction. 

You insult the developers every chance you get, then get angry when they do not respond to you. And when they do you either A) Act as if you did not just insult them, or B) Insult them further.

You act like children. Spoiled children.

You often speak like children. Again, spoiled children.

You assume no fault, for anything you say or do.

You are entirely self-absorbed.

You assume entitlement beyond the scope of my imagination.

It is okay to be frustrated when things are not working properly. It is not okay to be insulting, demeaning, derogatory, hateful, rude, and generally behave like animals whilst you express that frustration.

You are ruining the community for myself and those that feel like I do. 

You are estranging the development team, no wonder they do not respond to you very often. This is the most toxic atmosphere I have ever encountered in connection with almost anything.

You are doing more damage to this game and its future than any bug possibly ever could. If here, and Reddit, and the Steam forum are any indication of what they community will be like in-game(and it is), it is going to die not because of anything wrong with the game, but because no sane person wants to play with a community of players that has devolved into a cesspool of insults, hatred, and self-service.

If ever there was a real-life example of the vile, permeating excesses of Slaanesh, it is here. 

You are lucky the developers interact with you at all, as far as I am concerned. They are better than I.

Store Page
Huge credit is due the development team.
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6 years 225 days ago
Posted by Backend error 1342 6 years 225 days ago

Allow me to introduce you instead the guys with "Inquisitor" in their nickname which are FAR more irritating and cringy than the ones you described:

These ones are completely disconnected from logic, because according to "inquisitors" everything works fine, this is the best game ever made NO MATTER WHAT<----cit (he knows) and if a poor bastard dares to express any form of criticism or concern about your imaginary lore-world .. my god your eyes glow with pure hatred, cause whoever said such nonsense is sure as hell not even worthy to be heard. Now let me tell you: As long as someone tells THE TRUTH he has all the rights to speak his mind, even if his behavior doesn't meet your standards. It's time to drop from your high horse white knights/inquisitors and wash your mouth too while you're at it, because that smells know what i mean.


As long as someone tells the truth, I will remain quiet. 

But we are not there yet. We are still at the point of nearly every issue or post devolving into an emotional circlejerk of pettiness and imagined personal injury. The truth, the facts, get lost amongst the insane and overbearing fog of puberty and hormonal imbalance.

6 years 225 days ago
I agree with you man.

I can understand bitching people complaining about 50 Euro loss with broken promises, but never accept insistence.

Better post constructive and useful feedback instead :) 

6 years 225 days ago
Backend error 1342
Public event: The invasion of Social Justice Inquisitors :)
6 years 225 days ago

Allow me to introduce you instead the guys with "Inquisitor" in their nickname which are FAR more irritating and cringy than the ones you described:

These ones are completely disconnected from logic, because according to "inquisitors" everything works fine, this is the best game ever made NO MATTER WHAT<----cit (he knows) and if a poor bastard dares to express any form of criticism or concern about your imaginary lore-world .. my god your eyes glow with pure hatred, cause whoever said such nonsense is sure as hell not even worthy to be heard. Now let me tell you: As long as someone tells THE TRUTH he has all the rights to speak his mind, even if his behavior doesn't meet your standards. It's time to drop from your high horse white knights/inquisitors and wash your mouth too while you're at it, because that smells know what i mean.

6 years 225 days ago


6 years 226 days ago
Posted by rawrifficus 6 years 232 days ago

Man you are so right. All the negativity is just from the awful people who purchased this game. Neocore is not at fault in any way, shape, or form for all the bugs, awful fate grinding, awful co op experience, no co op at all in the campaign. All of this nonsense is entirely we, the customers fault. Let us come together and nominate this product for game of the year and every other prestigious award in the gaming community. 

Nice try, but what I said and where you are trying to take it are laughably far apart.
6 years 226 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 232 days ago
Some seriously thinks it helps make people behave if you insult them and tell them all they believe is wrong delusional someone has to be, to even try that... in a forum on the internet!!!

Go on, fuel the hatred with your hypocrisy.

You are actually one of the specific people I was talking about, so it is fitting that you commented.
6 years 232 days ago
I find the scroll button works wonders, also been on steam for 10 years really dont pay any heed to most of what is said on there, I only ever read anything on the forum side of things if A the game has workshop or B I need help with a bug and its the last place I check.

 Been gaming near on 40 yrs the thing is those who are the loudest now tend to be the ones who are the first to move along to the next thing they can find to moan about. 

I for one am enjoying the game, and looking forward to whats to come. Keep it up fellas all good this end. 

6 years 232 days ago
Some seriously thinks it helps make people behave if you insult them and tell them all they believe is wrong delusional someone has to be, to even try that... in a forum on the internet!!!

Go on, fuel the hatred with your hypocrisy.

6 years 232 days ago

Lol. You think this is bad? You should'a seen the Diablo III forums for like 1 solid year after its initial launch. Those forums were the fuel of nightmares.


This comment was edited 6 years 232 days ago by Sorne
6 years 232 days ago
Inquisitor Thaddeus
Completly agree with you ...

And just as Kall say, do what he say ^^ Better way to improve the community, everyone in this year is trustly trust every game will be the next messy ... 

Yes the game is not perfect actually but for a small studio they do really great things ... And the game will take another level when the end game phase was here ... The nemesys system remind me a lot of Grim Dawn and instead of trash every thing please give devs idea for develop more contact and improve our experience in something unique ... 

W40kIM was the perfect game for mix the complexity of a Paper RPG with a video game, i don't judge other W40k Franchise just say for me it the most representative experience of this hybridation !

Together we can do it !!!

In Imperium we trust and glory to the Emperor ! 

6 years 232 days ago
Welcome to the 40k community. LoL. The same thing happened with DoW 3 (Everyone has their oppinion and views over the game i get it) People shouldnt be suprised when developers dont want to make games for the 40k audience anymore.
6 years 232 days ago
1: I couldn't agree more.

2: Stop giving shit about the negative players, they won't change anyway.
3: Start be creative for the community.

6 years 232 days ago

Man you are so right. All the negativity is just from the awful people who purchased this game. Neocore is not at fault in any way, shape, or form for all the bugs, awful fate grinding, awful co op experience, no co op at all in the campaign. All of this nonsense is entirely we, the customers fault. Let us come together and nominate this product for game of the year and every other prestigious award in the gaming community. 

6 years 232 days ago
Pot, meet kettle.
6 years 232 days ago

Steam review hub indicates that technical state of a game and ingame balance right now is more damaging to this game and its future than any frustrated customer on this forum. At least that is the type of problems developers can deal with. 

6 years 232 days ago
Can agree with a selected few I have seen in some threads ( won't mention names ) but I really love this game and what the devs have made so far and I know this is just early game and I only need patience to wait for the product they plan to deliver. 

Hopefully this stops in the future, kinda sick of the negativity I have read rather than solutions or possible idea's to help the game progress and help the devs.

anyways @CHAPTERLIBRARIANSARPEDON‍, Thanks for posting this as it should be addressed and speaking out on behalf of the community that cares and tries to help and loves the game and for the devs that have to read all the negativity.

Fight on brother!