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- Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.9.3 | June 25
Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.9.3 | June 25
Warhammer 40K Patch NotesUpdates to W40K: Inquisitor have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.
Patch v2.9.3
Fixed bugs - online mode
- Fixed an issue resulting in a crash for all co-op party members other than the host, when interacting with 'Guardsmen' NPCs, or when making a morality choice in campaign missions.
- Fixed an issue where Passive points and passive trees got mixed up between party members in co-op upon a death of a player.
- Fixed an issue where certain Heroic Deed-related achievements would unlock unnecessarily upon another player joining the player's co-op party.
- Claiming cabal rewards will be possible again.
Fixed bugs - offline mode
- Fixed an issue where attribute points got lost and/or the attribute point counter went into the negative.
- Fixed relic enchantments' ability to get rolled off of certain items.
- Captain Ragna van Wynter's shop will feature weapon items again.
- Fixed an issue that made it possible to roll enchantments not relevant to the character's class.
- Fixed a controller issue that made it possible to research Tech-Tree upgrades multiple times, potentially raising 'Tech-power' and bringing 'Fate' into the negative in the process.
- Hardcore Void Crusades will only allow one life again from now on, instead of allowing multiple lives.
- When removing a selected Tarot card raising the mission level, its effect will be removed as well, contrary to current behavior, where the raied mission level would stay intact.
New QoL
- When being disconnected in co-op gameplay, an option to 'reconnect' to the party was introduced.
The Emperor protects!
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Just a quick clarification here. We need to abandon the current mission entirely. Then, by going through a few rounds of disconnecting and reconnecting, we can successfully set up a new multiplayer party.
Hey there! I appreciate your team’s effort in resolving the “Guardsman” issue. However, it seems like we’ve run into a new challenge. When we try to set up a party for online multiplayer/co-op, we’re having trouble connecting to the mission. We get a message asking us to retry or cancel, but unfortunately, we cannot reconnect to the launched mission. Even after a game reboot, the issue persists. We have to disconnect and reconnect several times before we can successfully start an online multiplayer party.
Set this current order state as My default.