Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.1.0b - July 31


Updates to W40K: Inquisitor will be released. The updates will be applied automatically after the scheduled maintenance and when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. No maintenance required this time.

New Features

  • Added 2 extra Character slots

Fixed Bugs

  • Numerous stability improvements and crash fixes
  • Fixed a HP balance issue on the Knight missions
  • Fixed inactive Morality interface issue with the Tech-Adept
  • Fixed a DLC window issue with Prophecy for Martyr owners
  • Fixed all heroic deed based achievements
  • Fixed an issue where the "Veteran of Battles" achievement status was not incremented by matchmaking
  • Fixed the descriptions of the Tech-Adept's Heroic Deed "Immortalis" and "Unyielding Legion"
  • Fixed several typos and missing strings
  • Fixed an audio positioning issue in Co-Op
This post was edited 5 years 130 days ago by Megapull
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Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.1.0b - July 31
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5 years 233 days ago
Posted by Damaskinos 5 years 235 days ago
 You got to understand something about this criminal industry it is for a snake oil salesman criminals and ConMan I can count the amount of honest developers and publishers on one hand .  The sub humans do nothing but put the cart before the horse they care nothing about the customer or quality it’s just about the money . 

 I hate them so much and my gaming days are coming to an end and that’s just the truth .   One of these days these guys are going to screw over the wrong person someone who has nothing to lose and doesn’t value human life and they’re going to come into  your place of business and start shooting the place up you guys better take a long hard look at your business practices there are consequences for your actions wow I don’t think you guys deserve to be hurt you do deserve to be punished monetarily  end of someway to make it so you can never sell a video game again .

You might want to delete this. It's close enough to an actual threat for the cops to be interested.
5 years 234 days ago
Hey. Did you nerfed valorous heart? Out of 13 lootboxes there were 6 which contained relic item. 

Are you planning to do something with the serious coop lag issue? Yesterday it was fine, but before that we had over 4000 ms ping spikes, before that as well, and before that also the same. 

5 years 235 days ago
 You got to understand something about this criminal industry it is for a snake oil salesman criminals and ConMan I can count the amount of honest developers and publishers on one hand .  The sub humans do nothing but put the cart before the horse they care nothing about the customer or quality it’s just about the money . 

 I hate them so much and my gaming days are coming to an end and that’s just the truth .   One of these days these guys are going to screw over the wrong person someone who has nothing to lose and doesn’t value human life and they’re going to come into  your place of business and start shooting the place up you guys better take a long hard look at your business practices there are consequences for your actions wow I don’t think you guys deserve to be hurt you do deserve to be punished monetarily  end of someway to make it so you can never sell a video game again .

5 years 235 days ago
They should be sued for false advertisement because in the PS4 trailer they showed the game runs smoothly.
5 years 235 days ago
Posted by TAttila 5 years 237 days ago
When will you fix the abhorrent screen tearing of the Playstation 4 version?
 they won’t this is a BigBen company ,trust me these people do not care about consoles. Look  at Chaosbane, Inq, and all the other ones they  have published. They dont care about console period. Actions speak louder then words and words is all you cheap devs got and barely that anymore.

 They push us back and back and more and more back pretty soon we’re 6 months behind the PC!! PC gets everything right when it s ready,  they get everything we get nothing but thier damning silence. I find it amazing that path of exile an independent company can push out 2 to 3 patches a week on the drop of a dime yet you major corporations can’t even give us one once a month you people are nothing but common criminals and you will be punished for this one day! 

 I have never been treated so badly by a company as I have with Big Bendover software. I have never made to feel so second rate in my entire life.   You are all horrible people and I hope justice finds you with open arms .

5 years 237 days ago
When will you fix the abhorrent screen tearing of the Playstation 4 version?