Hierophant Class PS4 or PS5 and Question about transfer f char from PC to PS Account ?


I have a simple question as i can‘t found any informations.

Will be for Martyr in any form the Hierophant class available in the future for PS4 or PS5 version as i dont see any informations in the planned options. As for 2025 was only informed thats maybe the offline mode will coming. Is any hope that the Hierophant comes to Playstation too in the future ?

and my second Question is it possible to transfer my PC Steam Character to my PS Account as i sit about my health (Preliminary stage of esophageal cancer) not more so often at PC and play most time only at Playstation as i can  lie on the sofa at playing.

This post was edited 6 days ago by Brisecul
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5 days ago
Thank you for the fast respond, i write you an message in discord. Thanks for the support and the fast answer. Sade that the Hirophant will not reach the console.. However i still purchased him in steam but never played him. I hope to hear soon from you in Discord. Greetz Uncle Gulsch aka Brisecul
6 days ago


The Hierophant class most likely won't make its way to consoles.

Indeed! I'm able to copy over your characters! Please, let me know what your Steam account name is, and what your PSN is! Feel free to message me privately to share these account names with me! 

You can contact me on this website's support chat, or DM me on our Discord server. My name on there is 'oeregharcos - Neocore Support'