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Warhammer 40K FeedbackInquisitor Martyr has been out long enough that we, the consumers, have gotten an idea of what this game plays like. In my opinion, if the ideas that are trying to be intervowen with the story and so forth had worked; worked like on a purly technical level, the forums on steam and such would look very different.
I am not gonna ramble on blame, what is working/not working but I want to remind people of a spesific incident early in development and how Neocore responded. The following is a parahfrase of how I remebered it:
in the inital goal it was stated that we would get guild-fortresses and I was super excited. Later Neocore stated when asked about said feature that "sorry guys but we just don't have the manpower to implment such a major feature despite we said we would." Reading between the lines I understood this as "if we can't make it good, we'll not put it in".
And you know what? I was perfectly fine with it. You set a goal, tried to reach it, wasn't able and then simply admited to the fact and moved on. That took guts, and I, as a consumer felt that these where people who worked hard even when things where tough.
Now I am still pretty convinced that your are working hard, but if your really honest with your self, things are not where they should be.
So I have come to make a plea to NeoCore. It is beyond a doubt that things need fixing. I would emplore you to flat out explain the problem to your fanbase, and ask them if they could submit solutions. Just look at the skill-level of people like @SNAKEFISTIFSO @AIRSICK HYDRA @Imrahil @ObeyNoOne @KlosterheimRemain. I am not saying I have spoken to these people about this, I am rather refering to the very high level of competance you have to communicate with in the fanbase. Pretty sure some of these guys could even give a solution in code so you could just insert it. And I am guessing there are more then just these handfull of people who would be willing to help.
Maybe I'm just rambling, but my limited mind cannot see any viable soulution other then outright honesty and reaching for a helping hand.
ps. if someone feels uncomfterble having being named in something without explicit consent, let me know and I will ofcourse your name and even write a redactal if that is deemed appropriate.
Vlricus von Kronstadt
The Emperor Protects, yet he still demands diligent workers.
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Sorry, I haven't noticed your post before... I wouldn't exactly like to post it 'in the wild' again, but I'll send it to you personally - you can add me as friend on Steam (Snakefist Ah Fu, young Malcolm McDowels as Little Alex from Clockwork Orange avatar) - my Steam is on like 24/7, so I'll see it eventually...
please give me your PSN and your character's name. We will fix your issue!
in a Reset on my ps4 (not volontary) the principal History in search of the Van Wynter diary. The mission of History was disappaerd. How can is possibile? And What have i done to ripristinate the mission?
I agree that we cannot have a Steam-flood of "why HB so crap" and "where is my Grey Knight" flood these ideas. I would propose, as mentioned earlier, that ideas have to be accompanied with as detailed as possible explination of alteast hot they how technically function in-game, (crappy/excellent pseudo-code to exemplify is a pluss but not demanded), and atleast being able to point out a couple of other areas that will be directly/indirectly affected by ones proposal(s). Also, for extra merit, if it is possible to flavor with lore thats always a pluss, but not the main focus.
And please feel free @SNAKEFISTIFSO, and everyone else for that matter, to link to your post about matters you have already elaborated on. Or copy/paste them here, again.
On the topic of DE and drops I could lean towards the idea that radicals could use DE's weapons , or whoever the muderlized them from, "as is". Have vauge memories of neuro-wepons as small pistols...but thats another story. The point I am trying to make is what does the puritan get then? Only solution I can see on that would have to be that you would have to have separate drop-"pools", depending on your morality. I think there are several xenos races that could consider picking up human weapons from long ago, unique rouge-trade type shit, which a puritan would consider his duty to bring back to humanity. Maybe not to the Mechanicus, but atleast in his pocket.
Great input. Would love to hear suggestions on technical workings on that whip cos that looked awsome and would be a really neat feature.
Vlricus von Kronstadt
1. Killing Dark Eldar - first of all, I consider the models perfect, as well as accompanying animations and feel sad that I can'tsee them that well and precise as the Inquisitor ones. My opinion, at least.
So, Xeno wears DE weapons, Xeno is killed, Xeno drops Multimelta or Grenade or a Landmine? Hmmmm... I find DE itemization interesting, with one thing like flashing constantly:
-Those are mostly types of weapon that Assassins use (totally not minding what some stupid book, if it even exists, say about Death Cults - I respect only Codex Durex + I found on internet that they(Death Cults) use 'a variety of weapons, such as whops, blades, can't remember what more, but surely not just 3 Katanas and Snipers and Multimelta (?) - besides, blind following of one book made Psyker so uninteresting):
1. The Whip (one I saw so far, but why not putting 4 skills and using it? Why not another, different colour and skills? Seems fitting)
2. The Blades - all in existence are basically derivates of Japanese Katana or Wakizashi-sized shorter blade (or staff or sickle- which usually doesn't look like that, but this is a game, so everything goes), and me - being Snakefist and such, claim to know very, very much about the matter. Probably equally so to writer of codex, if there is any. So, blades:
- No Dachi - the long katana, nearly twice the size of regular.Movement and, consequently, skills look (and are) vastly different than typical hand-long blade
- Nagamaki - sword of spear-length, half of which being the handle- used vastly different than both spear and no dachi
- Naginata - a blade sized as shortsword on wooden handle, long as spear - another weapon with completely different usage
- Yari - spear
- Kusari-gama - now this is weird one, sickle and metal weight connected by chain
- Whole Okinawa armoury - Bo (staff), Sai, Nunchaku, tri-part-staff connected by chains (can't remember the name) and more...
Some DE actually wears exotic weapons that Assassins (Radicals)could use. Or salvage for parts - in my "itemization/crafting"suggestion, very long so I won't list it here... So, parts of itcould be used in crafting, not as it looks now, but as it should look...
- The Sniper - looks mean and... also could be salvaged.
While my opinion is that NeoCore could use community-help, andwouldn't certainly be the first company who made a game better withmeaningful input and good players-devs communication, I'm afraid thatthis needs a selection of participants to constructive one, becauseit just become Steam forum - frustrated individuals who can'tcontribute, but want everything to fail "because they feel theypaid so much" or something equally ridiculous.
So, an invite-only place with direct communication to devs. Or itfails. Watch a demonstration, hahahaha
Vlricus von Kronstadt
In my mind, the game should have as many playstyles, equipment, skill-builds and perks viable options as possible. Simply improving something thats clearly underpowered is not wrong, but uniformity across the board has then not been adressed. Such a big "domino-effect" of adjustments is a major undertaking and its therefor I think the fan-base could contribute allot: first heaping all the "small" pieces of suggestions/balances/addition in one place. Then working together to have these pieces make sense in relation to eachother.
As for the idea about having the community vote; I like the concept but that sort of nulles the point of this collaboration as NeoCore would have to work out the things we vote on and so we havn't saved them any workload at all.
But thank you for clarifying your post, and your contribution.
Vlricus von Kronstadt
In regards to your judgemental attitude towards some of these individuals, let me make something clear here:
1. My experience with the people I have mentioned do not fit the rude description you apply to them
2. They where random examples which I believe represent a large competance within the Inquisitor fan-base
3. None of these people were asked by me, (which I am to blame for, and no one else), to be in my comment
If you have a pressing need to pass judgment on someone, feel free to not use my post as an excuse.
If you think my idea is stupid: no problem. If you think my grammer suck: cool. If you think this post was a waste of time: fine. But stick to the point or refrain from posting. This is me asking as politely as I can.
Very Sincerly,
Vlricus von Kronstadt
(I do not usuall use caps, as that's just stupid, I hope you can see that now, too.)
2. Some of the individuals you listed, managed to display their incredible combination of total cluelessness, of really not knowing anything, and their extreme arrogance and claiming to actually know everything, within a few minutes.
It is without doubt that these are here for trolling only, or are actually mentally ill, or both, and will do great harm if one would start to listen to them, not to even think of the devs doing so.
3. Therefore, your self proclaimed "knowledge" about those, which you further confirmed with your answer to me, is obviously not as good as you think, you strongly believe to know more than you do.
4. Some others off those you mentioned, I heard are pretty knowledgeable, though I have no personal experience with them, and therefore just assume they are, but I would not go as far as suggesting to give them a vital role in this games development without further research.
I do not think your idea is stupid,
I do not care abour your grammar, as it's all pretty well readable.
But as I said already, your choice of names is unfortunate, and you should have at least only chosen ones that you personally know are good for this task.
That is an excellent point. Why invent the wheel every time, as they say. But I think ideally, it might make things more "attractive" for the people who have come up with suggestions in the past if they where added on a post made by NeoCore. That way they atleast get some cred by being high up in the topic list. Its not exactly winning the lottery but something is better then nothing.
If that is not an option then I agree with you that having, hopefully original author(s), compile an updated version is a really good idea.
I would also add that new suggestion ofc would be welcome, but I feel the minimum requirement for making suggestions would then be really fleshed out. Not necessarely coded or psudeo-coded but a numerical example which should reflect how it works/functions etc. in regards to the rest of the game.
Having a "make Heavy Bolter better thread" is... not good, unless "better" comes with a technical and thoughtout idea.
The whole point of this would be to save the team at NeoCore time by crunching shit for them.
The Emperor protects
Vlricus von Kronstadt
Not trying to put words in your mouth just trying to understand.
And yes, as long as you stay on topic you can disagree till the cows come home. Debate is welcome.
Vlricus von Kronstadt
Oh, Taoist is here bringing gifts, no doubt:
Three Treasures: "compassion", "frugality", and "humility"
Applied generously on this forum. Don't mistake him for a serious troll or hater or even rude person - all he says or does is a fine line of irony. Starting with the name he applied, and the same did his mental-twin Pham Nuwem (teamwork is commendable!)
Shown on the multiple treads where he starts, quite jokingly, with "incompetents and lazy devs", followed by many derogatory terms (surely he means every one of them ironically!). He continues in the same manner, at the same time stating ridiculous string of 'proposals' - which would supposedly improve... something. But all of which is to make this grey life more sunny, though this branch of humour is more acquired taste.
He also started 'virtual violence' threats, all in good spirit (of course!). Which is the essence of Tao...
What a sad, sad mistake he wasn't included in your post! The Great Teacher, himself! Don't worry, he'll reply in keenly humorous way (as described), or his mental twin will. Yes, there will be a part of how NeoCore is going to hell and many other remarks, rude and aggressive on the first look but deeply funny and in good spirit, if properly understood.
I used to mistake his post and took them literarly, once even destroyed one point by point to nothing, and made such a mistake... It wasn't actually meant for me, but for entertainment! Surely, he harbours no hard feeling he wasn't included...
Jokers aside (sorry about talking to him, I presumed that perhaps you don't know him as well as I do):
- There's a large amount of structured and often well-explained text posted in the past - during last year, for example
- Many of that changed, since the game mechanics changed or evolved, but no small number of those could be used still, *if* revised and updated - preferably by original authors
- Also, there are 'fragments of the whole' - where different people, in different times, wrote small threads or making useful addition to other peoples (quite long) posts - would be nice if someone, original authors in ideal case, modify and update them and then collect in one post or tread
This place was (and I still think it is) at least partially forgotten, there is simply not enough people to follow this, Steam, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter... Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, DeviantArt, Cucumber-town....
Steam-forums are way toxic (well, compared to some posters) and overcrowded to get out with much useful information. Information HERE are likely to be read once by Devs and if not of crucial importance, probably forgotten. Which doesn't mean those were useless or that circumstances haven't changed - it's probably giant amount of work for devs, but wouldn't for us - or authors.
I would like to make appeal to original authors of non-offensive, constructive and useful posts to take one more effort to collect them and consolidate.
Good idea,
Thank you for making this tread
(and now angry people will probably ruin it)
In regards to your judgemental attitude towards some of these individuals, let me make something clear here:
1. My experience with the people I have mentioned do not fit the rude description you apply to them
2. They where random examples which I believe represent a large competance within the Inquisitor fan-base
3. None of these people were asked by me, (which I am to blame for, and no one else), to be in my comment
If you have a pressing need to pass judgment on someone, feel free to not use my post as an excuse.
If you think my idea is stupid: no problem. If you think my grammer suck: cool. If you think this post was a waste of time: fine. But stick to the point or refrain from posting. This is me asking as politely as I can.
Very Sincerly,
Vlricus von Kronstadt
what really made me lol about your post is some of the names you listed, as at least 2 of those are notorious trolls with an incredible combination of cluelessness and arrogance.
Seeing how infested these forums, discord and the community in general are, if Neocore starts listening to those...
weapon A, B ,C, D are underrepresented across the players, how would you spesifically[numerically and lore-wise] change said weapons to make them more viable while still maintaining lore-adherense and balance with the different skilltrees/perks between the classes.
State that it is not guaranteed that any of the suggestion will be used, and if they are used they are automatically the intellectual property of Neocore and its affilliates.
I am not trying to kick a dead horse here, but trying to think of methodes that could free up more of NeoCores staff which I am pretty sure has enough work to employ a small factory.
Oh, and for the record: the Season 1 content is really, really fun. I enjoy it greatly. Important to remember all the things you guys are doing right.
Vlricus von Kronstadt
Hopefully we can do something with it soon.
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