Help: How Do You Swap Weapon Sets?


I just got this wonderful game the other day. Been streaming it on twitch to get more folks to play it but I've come to a road block in my playing. How do you swap weapons during a mission?

I know on the ship in your inventory you press the R3 (right joystick) to swap sets...this doesnt seem to work during missions. 

I have sat in a mission and tried different button combinations. I saw somewhere where it takes a few seconds to swap the weapon out so I waited 5 secs between button combinations. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I saw tons of posts about PC and using the tab key...but nothing about how to swap on console during missions. I appreciate any help!

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Help: How Do You Swap Weapon Sets?
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1 year 285 days ago
that worked for me thanks(using ps5 controller on pc)
6 years 20 days ago
Posted by FinsterFaust 6 years 20 days ago
How long does it take for the weapons to swap?  thanks for the info!! appreciate the help. my options controller layout is very simplified so maybe I missed the full scheme page. I'll look again, thanks again!
The weapon swap itself is pretty instant.  The skills associated with the different loadout take a varying amount of time to come off of cooldown - though there are perks that can help that if it becomes an integral part of your playstyle.

Options>Controls>Controller layout = 1 word for me "Default".  get that highlighted and select, and it opens up a new wonderful picture of controller delight :D

6 years 20 days ago
How long does it take for the weapons to swap?  thanks for the info!! appreciate the help. my options controller layout is very simplified so maybe I missed the full scheme page. I'll look again, thanks again!
6 years 20 days ago
Also, you can find the complete controller layout by going into OPTIONS >controls and selecting which layout to use

Hope this helps u to continue to burn the heretics

6 years 20 days ago
On PS4 it is the dpad, right key.  World skills being the dpad left key