Hardcore Void Crusaide Game Crash


Spent the time and patience to complete a hardcore Void Crusade, full clear. I'm in the room to open chests, I open the supreme chest and the game crashes. I lost all the loot from the mission, from the chests, the shards used to open the crusade, and received ZERO credit for the seasonal challenge. 

Looking around different forums, this seems to be a regular issue. Looking at the community hub here, I see more bug reports than one should ever see in a game that is still "active". 

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Hardcore Void Crusaide Game Crash
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1 year 311 days ago
I'm sorry I don't seem to have received it yet. Could you maybe try sending it again and/or also contact me on the Neocore website's support chat? Thanks!
1 year 314 days ago
I've gone ahead and sent an email to the one provided. The subject line is the same as the title of this thread. 

Thanks again for the quick response. 

1 year 314 days ago

Hi! Please send me a message about the details (which Void Crusade, which Supreme mission, what modifiers do you (did you) use etc. I will try to recreate the problem. If you give us your mail address associated with your account I can also compensate your losses to some degree.

[email protected]

Thanks in advance!