Haemophilic shock not working on Commanders+


Noticed that some Commander enemies and Elites aren't slowed while bleeding with Haemophilic shock passive. At least the slow debuff icon isn't showing. Haemophilic shock works perfectly fine on regulars and champions though. 

Is it intended or bug?


Actualy with increased bleeding duration both Blind from perk and Slow from passive expire earlier than bleed. It seems that blind and slow apply once with the bleed and have their own duration while from the description (Enemies affected by DoTs are Blinded/Slowed as well) enemies should be Slowed/Blinded as long as they are Bleeding. 

It could be the reason why Slow isn't applied to higher ranked enemies.

This post was edited 4 years 92 days ago by KhornesUncle
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Haemophilic shock not working on Commanders+
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4 years 93 days ago
We will check if this passive is not working properly or should not apply to Commanders (it should be the first case though).