Graphics bug


This is a bug that makes me very sad,  per the sadface i.e.  :( . The loading screen bar is not uniform. The design is broken up halfway through the top and bottom of the bar.

This is Windows 10 home premium, and an AMD Radeon 280X videocard with the following Crimson driver version: Driver Packaging Version16.40.2311.1002-161121a-309377E. 

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Graphics bug
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7 years 308 days ago
Posted by Megapull 7 years 309 days ago

Oh god, this is literally unplayable! Will fix soon.

I'll be expecting a hotfix ANY MOMENT!!!111!@1!

7 years 309 days ago

Oh god, this is literally unplayable! Will fix soon.

7 years 309 days ago

Agreed, i'll be looking for this today.. and if I see it i'll be "Triggered" until it's gone, this needs priority devs! :D

Good work!

7 years 310 days ago

Like I said, no negativity implied. It's definitely a flaw, however minor. That you took the time to point it out both amuses and impresses me. The devil is, after all, in the details. 

7 years 310 days ago

I'm an SDET, I can't help myself, it's in my blood. The asymmetry of that artifact offends my obsessive attention to detail, lol. It's like a pebble in your shoe, a tiny thing but after a while it becomes a big problem.

7 years 310 days ago

This might literally be the most minute example of a "bug" (technically an artifact)that I've ever seen reported. I'm not even criticizing; I'm just in awe at the attention to detail and commitment that went into noticing this graphical artifact, documenting it, and then reporting it. I salute you sir/ma'am, +5 points.

Technically correct is the best kind of correct.