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- gameplay too slow
gameplay too slow
Warhammer 40K FeedbackNo I'm not talking about FPS but gameplay. If you want this game to be competitive in this genre you really need to speed up everything. Walking in this game is like pulling teeth and today I got Stunlocked by a Nurgle Marine because with a rocket launcher because the knock down and standing up animation takes an age to finish and when you finally is standing up you don't move for a full 1,5 sec so the next rocket will hit you and knock you back down and it all starts over again. Changing weapons and using the abilities, just normal fire mode takes two second to activate, that is too long. The game needs to be sped up, and this is no option, this needs to happen because playing a game this slow is like pulling teeth. And again, no this is not an FPS issue I have checked and played this game on my rig, my sons rig and my friends abnormal rig, the game is just too slow to be enjoyable.
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I want to add my pinch of salt, because I feel this issue is not minor.
As of now it feels great. I want to consider my options and tactically chose what to do and how attack each foe. I don't think making it a grind fest would help the mood or the setting.
For mobs speed and pack behavior you have the nurgglings and the chaos things (don't remember their names) and that is a good approach.
The game have a learning curve and gear curve in this matter. As you progress and get some speed bonus and feel more confortable with rotations you wont feel it so slow. Of course it is slower that the genre in general, but I like that.
Well the base movement speed should be about double of the current value while still keeping all of the +movement skills and items to meet your tactical gameplay goal. The current gameplay would be quite enjoyable at that speed. However, as it stands the game is completely unplayable in its current state.
When I first started (5 days ago) I felt similar about the speed. As I have tried out different armor and weapons I found that around +20% movement speed (im at 25%) you can kite anything and run circles around everyone. I just got an Assault Armor with some +Deflect so now I can Jump into and out of groups.
I'm Melee. 2H Eviscerator. 21% deflect, 25% movement speed. Run if you want.
Agreed, i enjoy the game play for the crusader so far. From what i understand the Assassin will be much faster so maybe you will enjoy that class more than the crusader ?
I appreciate the fact they are trying to make the game distinct and not a clone of every other game just for the sake of it being fast.
Why attune this game towards a clone of all the rest, besides when you are on your own at the higher levels and confronted with 20 heavy auto-gunners (experienced that one recently), measured tactical play is the only thing that will save the day!
I would be very careful about making any dramatic changes based on one person's opinion. I for one totally disagree.
I, personaly like the fact, that this game is not that fast. I should be more tactical then just run in, and gather the enemies to AE them down in a flash... I would stay to diablo 3 if i want this kind of game. But me, with the age of (almost) 45, like it a little bit slower.
But yes, like Hydra said, there are Movement Enhancers in Game and there will be more.
Maybe the other Classes are a bit faster, but i think this will not happen, because group play will but bashed to the ground, and nobody will play tha actuall class, if everybody runs faster as them...
p.s. and yes, Nurgle Marines with Rocketlaunchers suck like hell ;)
Try to think back to when you were a level 1 orc in wow... were you full speed then? How about when you were a level 1 in diablo 3, were you full speed then? :)
I think it's worth rememing that there is + movement speed in skills / attribures and gear. So untill you unlock those it's hard to comment on actual movement speed. If you max everythign and it's still slow then sure.. but i've not found this to be the case with just 2 + movement speed items it seems pretty fast.
Re animations - Some are sluggish yes. I'd like to swap weapons off of the GCD and some other animations are just sluggish in general.
I do agree whit it being a bit slow and slugish not mutch tho.
Normal fire mode taking 2 seconds sounds odd, I've not encountered this with most weapons
Also the class available right now is the Crusader, in his slow and ponderous Power Armor. I would think the other two classes will move more quickly around the map, but who knows at this point?
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