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- Game Runs Poorly
Game Runs Poorly
Warhammer 40K Support Area
3 years 283 days ago
replied 3 years 278 days ago
I can't figure out how to attach a Dxdiag notepad file to this. Game seems to run really poorly even on low settings. Talking about maxed out GPU and my computer sounds like its taking off. Really the only game that does this.
I5-6600 3.50 GHZ Quad core, 16 gigs of ram, SSD.AMD RX 480 8 Gig.
Updated Drivers, I know the PC is a bit dated but this appears to be especially bad.
Any suggestions? I've tweaked with all the various settings to no avail so far.
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Some changes in your settings might help you resolving the problem:
- First check if the game runs on your integrated or dedicated card. There is a panel for this in the settings (if it is missing you can check it here: Right-click on the desktop > Display settings > Display > at the bottom Graphics settings > search for the exe file > click options > there the card will be displayed. The steps are for Win10
- Try enabling/disabling the followings:
Frame Blending
Anti Aliasing
Enabling V-Sync helped a few players
Sync CPU to GPU