Game is totally broken/unplayable right now [PS4]


- Lvl 92 assassin is down to lvl 67, then after restarting she's lvl 92 again

- Ordos quests change difficulty! Just started Ordos quests around difficulty lvl 97 with my lvl 92 assassin. After entering the missions it's glitched and difficulty jumps up to 122!!! Just lost 3 Ordos missions because of this shit!

- items are sometimes not sellable

- archeotech shards can't be upgraded or it works to upgrade them but I still have the lower shard version in inventory as well

- archeotech relics from crafting, reward caches or after rerolling all enchants mostly have a bugged double enchant which destroys good items

- campaign missions are stuck - no progress possible

- campaign mission notifications from NPCs doesn't work

- campaign mission notifications from NPCs are given for already finished campaigns

- sometimes no loot/exp reward after final supeme void crusade missions in multiplayer

- sometimes morality decisions grant no morality points

- character is stuck on a mission and can't move - after dying when revived or by respawn character can move again 

- it's not possible to mail each cabal members, only around half of the members are displayed in ingame email system 

- to open the cabal screen freezes the games multiple minutes!!!

- alot temporary freezes on commando bridge generally and often lags in mission

This game is really great and I like it alot, but to experience all those bug & glitches totally kills the fun and is pretty annoying!!!

I recommend to fix all this issues soon before working on new content like character classes or new seasons... 


- clues of already finished missions appear as "new clues" after loading a character into the game

This post was edited 2 years 101 days ago by haGrOck
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Game is totally broken/unplayable right now [PS4]
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2 years 101 days ago
Oh, and the Void Crusade multiplayer bug where items get lost at the end will be fixed shortly! :)
2 years 101 days ago
The campaign stuck issues have been with us for years now and our developers could not find a permanent solution though they made the fixes more user friendly so non-technicals can also handle some of these bugs in the team.

Some of these bugs are known by us but the rest (Cabal window freezes, non-sellable items) were not. Thanks for the list of bugs, I forwarded them to the console dev team.