Game freezes at the end of Magos Biologis search missions


Hi. I'm at the 3 missions to search for the Magos Biologis. My character freezes as he moves to the final objective marker at the end, after triggering the cutscene and black borders. However, my character doesn't fully move towards it, he just stops and then glitches slighty towards it a few times and then freezes all together, Half way there. This happens just as the cinematic takes over, and my character is telling the Captain that the Magos isn't here. I don't get to the second line of dialogue, an empty communication portrait appears without the captain's face though. I have tried all 3 missions, and at the end of each game stops. I still hear environment sounds like wind so I'm not sure it's a true freeze, just character stuck and can't move maybe? Thanks.

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Game freezes at the end of Magos Biologis search missions
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5 years 23 days ago
This comment was deleted 5 years 22 days ago by Marcopolocs
5 years 113 days ago
Thank you for taking notice of my issue and fixing it! Great customer service :) I really appreciate it
5 years 113 days ago

We released a hotfix just now, the problem was resolved and you can properly proceed in the campaign now. Thank you for your patience!

5 years 113 days ago
We are working on this right now, you can expect a hotfix today or tomorrow at most!