Game ate both my pistols so I dont have any weapons worth using


I just started playing so haven't been around long but I went into a new mission and had NO weapons equipped. I had just got my first yellow pistol( I am level 10) and swapped some stuff around. I lost both a yellow pistol and a purple one too. You guys REALLY need to get a handle on this kind of issue.. While I realize atm you are in alpha version people losing gear is a VERY serious issue and that cant happen once you go live.

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Game ate both my pistols so I dont have any weapons worth using
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7 years 173 days ago

I havent had items vanish for no reason yet,

But i have noticed sometimes when you equip an item it also stays in your inventory which allows it to be salvaged or sold "while equipped"  

 Went through a few items like this was before i realised what was happening.

7 years 174 days ago

Only your pistols? Man you are lucky! the game ate my weapons while i was in loading screen. Stood in the mission without any weapons ^^.

7 years 175 days ago

Perhaps the God Emperor felt you unworthy?

Just kidding.

On a serious note, this is Alpha and bugs happen. I think the disappearing purples (and now a relic)  have came up from time to time, remember to submit a ticket and hopefully your items will be returned or you find better. Hopefully this rare bug will be fixed before Beta is launched. 

7 years 175 days ago

Have less tasty pistols? :)

Seriously though, it is something that needs fixing and I'd hope it's being investigated as there have been a number of comments about it. If you raise a ticket with support, you may get your stuff back.