Freezes since game left Early Access



I have the following Problem since the game left Early Access and i stopped playing it because of this for over a year, hoping a future patch would fix ist. I reinstalled the game yesterday and the problem still exists.


The game partly stops working after an undefined time (witch can be a few minutes after start or after 2-3 hours of play), regardless of if im in a mission / character sheet/ bridge / actively playing or standing afk.

I still can hear the background music (not any action just the music) and some animations like the glowing of the hp-bar in the left cornor or some mist effekts are still running, but every thing else on the screen has freezed.

The task-manager dosent show the game as not responding, bit ending the task is the only way of ending it.

System specs:

Intel i7 4771


Nvidia 1080Ti

Things i have tried:

-Reinstalled the game serverl times

-Checked lokal data serveral times

-Updated windows

-Updated graphics driver

-Playing with minimal video settings

-Deleted registry info

-Deleted Neocore folder under documents

I hope some one has an solution for this since none of the patches over the yeas has solved this for me.

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Freezes since game left Early Access
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4 years 93 days ago
Brother Kundari
Ist defently not my connection, as the game runs on one of my notebooks without those freezes on the same connection but its very slow due to the low specs of the notebook. So not really an option to enjoy playing the game, but i did it a few days to test if it also freezes.
4 years 100 days ago
Well, I have had my Freezes and Lags and Stuttering myslef from time to time. On some Missions it is nearly utterly totally completely unplayable even. But surely this is not ALL the time.

Sounds like your thing is concerning the type of Connection/Provider you are having/using.