First feedback to 0.7.3



so ive just played my 2h melee cursader till now and not the psyker, but i wanted to pin down some first and general feedbacks from playing till now.

Melee changes feel good. I liked it before already, but gameplay is a tad more fluent and faster now.  Im just not sure if all enemy hitboxes work correctly, especially if enemies are retreating backwards you have a hard time hitting them with single target melee skills. Also the Assault jump seems to bug out a bit - cant describe that really, will try to do later maybe.

Sounds in Missions: There are a lot new soundeffects in missions that are quite irritating. I THINK they are there to signal something, but with some things i just couldnt figure out WHAT till now. Supression-Status maybe? 

What i really didnt like was that you exchange some Textlines from the NPCs (on objective completion like destroying a warpgate) with static noises and even the textpopups are too short to read them. I think that you rerecorded/remastered some Textlines, but you shouldnt cut out so many, they gave the game some personality.

Lootsystem:  Just... Seriously? You had such a convenient lootsystem where you just had to bother with loot when the mission was done. Now even with autopickup turned on you have to literally RUN over the loot to pick it up. You have to run to every lootchest that a teammember opens to  get your loot. If you split up in different passages or in a greater room, you now have to come back and look for loot that dropped for you. I just dont like it compared to the convenience you had before. Might lead to parties sticking closer together, if thats what you intended? If someone is masochistic enough to interrupt the purge and pick up ever piece of loot manually, let him do it, but PLEASE make an option that handles loot like before...

Incoulator/Supportslot/Supplies: I think i like the changes with the maximum stack of charges you have now. But i would like to see supplies themselves highlighted on the map so you can see where you can get some refills when you need them (even when the chests are already opened by a teammember). Because now you will leave most of the supplies lying on the floor.

Ok, thats it for now. All in all i really like what you did and dont mind the minor bugs you invented (*cough* chatsystem *cough* ;D). I will post a more detailed feedback once ive played/tested some more.

Cheers and keep up the great work!


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First feedback to 0.7.3
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7 years 37 days ago

yea, ive thought about highlights on map for artificer+ items as well (as i would like to see them for supplies). but i dont think the "temammember picks up loot for you" will work, cause loot is instanced for players and if one finds a relic that doesnt mean the others get one as well.

This comment was edited 7 years 37 days ago by clownkrieger
7 years 37 days ago
Something that may help for both inoculator/supplies and loot would be removing chest to recharge them.

Instead, simply automatically reload charges over time. This would prevent backtracking just to recharge your inoculator. And you wouldn't have to rely on a teammate to pick up charges either.

Another thing that could help would be to display artificier and higher drops on the map (or depending on a filter?). So a player can decide to backtrack or not to pick it up.

But "gold" drops should be common: anyone in the team can pick it up by walking near it and eveveryone get the same amount out of it.

7 years 37 days ago

Loot system is OK, just a pity that we do not have access to the inventory during the mission.

7 years 37 days ago
I would be the devil's advocate and say that I prefer new loot system greatly. 

NOT the split loot, if one player picks up something, other should get it automatically OR not at all (because it wasn't his monster). Chests are exception.

Current system actually gives the REASON to explore most of the map, and kill mobs - previous one which was forcing player to do it, blackmailing him with reduced reward seemed like ENFORCING.

Number of artificer items is, indeed, ridiculous - but I've found surprisingly little upgrades....

7 years 37 days ago
I much prefered the old loot system where I just get it automatically. Having to walk over it just feels clunky. I would like to be able to open the inventory and check out/equip new stuff I find, but I don't feel this new system adds a "oh something shiney" moment at all. When I read the patch notes I thought they meant we would have a choice between how it was and having to pick stuff up. Now it's a choice between having to click it or walk over it. Please give us the option to have it the old way. 

At the very least it needs to auto pick up stuff the drops too far away after a certain time, like if the party splits up to get it done faster. Also I feel the biggest lack of oh shiney stuff was that after a certain amount of stuff was picked up you wouldn't see it in the rewards screen. Loot boxes like item collections are now a real pain to open too. please go back to old way for those.
7 years 38 days ago

Just for the record (already wrote this on discord but it will get lost there). 1533 PR Chaos Legion Vanguard Mission, destroy warp-portals, opened by a 1280 PR host, yielded 34 artificer items or 170 fate for me...

Did some red tarot missions in party today (+200-250 i think, unending duty and possession minors) and it was nearly self-sustaining for my teammates from artificer drops + the fate from posession (their fatecosts were around 100-120).

definetly needs balancing ;)

7 years 39 days ago
Martyr is some kind of a Hub focused game sadly. Bridge-loading into system-loading into planet-loading into mission- do the mission. After the second loading I'm already brainafk and don't give anything to drops or whatever. Now i have to manage my loot and run over it or pick it up manualy.... I had no "Oh yes shiney!" moment because loot is useless untill you are back on the bridge.

It won't change Martyrs playstyle 1 inch if there was no loot to pick up at all. I don't like but sadly I realy don't care at all, Multiplayer will suffer the most. Normaly you played MP to get things done faster, now you need to walk as a group to get all the loot from a map? Why should I play MP again? Social reasons I think ^^. I'm not very happy :).

7 years 39 days ago
Thanks guys, very good feedback!
7 years 39 days ago
Airsick Hydra

I agree with pretty much everything in this post, this part strikes me the stongest:

"But..... I've also come to think Martyr suffers from a SEVERE lack of "oh something shiny" moments within gameplay and missions. To me it's one of the current dangers of the game, there's not enough excitement and palyer reward during missions or even afterward. The end mission screen isn't really comparable to the Vermintide 1 screen for etc when you watch closely and pray to the RNG gods. I didnt really like that system eitehr but at least I paid attention.

So... I think I like the new one more but it'll take a while for me to grow to like it. We shall see. But i've started taking a little pelasure out of picking up purples, and I saw my firest relic drop on teh floor - it "felt" cool to pick it up... Wonder what others think"

Totally loving the combat speed increase... don't go any faster however as it will become comical!

Lastly, for me anyways, while the run and static animations of toons are fine.. can you slow down the avatar models on the character select screens. I think they too were sped up and it just looks  silly. I feel like im getting hyper just looking at them lol

7 years 39 days ago
Airsick Hydra
your right about that, but martyr is missing another important thing about the "oh shiny"-moments: you cant interact with or check the loot till the mission is done anyways. so having to run over something that i cant check/equip immediately but have to wait till the mission is over doesnt make it "shinier" in my opinion. (btw, im a poe-player of sorts, and thats a game that you cant play without lootfilter and where you have to pick up EVERYTHING you want to take with you/need to take with you... i dot mind that, but i really enjoyed the convenience marty offered as something different and a nice change...)

more feedback regarding loot: New lootdrops are CRAZY. I got 12 Artificer items out of a single special mission (that was teeming with commanders though, but later more to that). Thats 60 f***** fate... how do you want to balance this fategains in the greater context?! I mean, dont get me wrong, its great to get that much shiny loot and/or fate, but... yea ;D

Feedback regarding elite mobs: Its nice that they have more HP and deal less dmg, fights are a bit more interesting and longer that way. BUT on some maps it just gets too crazy. People always mention ogryns in masses,  but i had several maps tonight that were literaly PACKED with commanders, felt like every 3rd mob was one (psykers/renegade commanders on chaos legion maps iirc). They are such bullet-sponges now that this gets really grindy and annoying, BUT they drop insane loot at the same time it seems (it was one of those maps where i got the 12 artificers). So you should really check the frequency commanders have in chaos legion maps, maybe that might solve the lootissue a bit at the same time? (dont know if commanders/elitemobs have better dropchances here).

thats it for now again, will add more when it arises

7 years 40 days ago
It's a really interesting point regarding loot. I'm totally in two minds on it.

On one side I see your point regarding convenience and picking up manually or even walking over loot is a little frustrating, invonenient and time consuming, although perhaps I think it's because i've grown lazy.

But..... I've also come to think Martyr suffers from a SEVERE lack of "oh something shiny" moments within gameplay and missions. To me it's one of the current dangers of the game, there's not enough excitement and palyer reward during missions or even afterward. The end mission screen isn't really comparable to the Vermintide 1 screen for etc when you watch closely and pray to the RNG gods. I didnt really like that system eitehr but at least I paid attention.

So... I think I like the new one more but it'll take a while for me to grow to like it. We shall see. But i've started taking a little pelasure out of picking up purples, and I saw my firest relic drop on teh floor - it "felt" cool to pick it up... Wonder what others think