Feedback regarding rising fatecosts for tarot-missions


Hi there,

so i returned to 0.7 and started with a heavy weapon crusader. Leveld him till rank 43 and realized that fate-costs for tarot-missions rised to 130 in that time.
Then i decided to start a psyker, but was very astonished that fate costs for his tarot missions were 130 from the beginning as well. I leveld him to rank 40, and the costs raised to a whooping 180 fate per tarot-mission - which i have to pay now regardless for the crusader or the psyker, and i guess it will even rise more when i continue to lvl them.

I can see that you want to make tarots less accessible to slow down the levelingpace of players on high levels and i understand that. But by making the rise of costs for tarots accountwide you punish players that like to play all classes/make alts. And you skew the balancing for the rate a character levels through the storyprogression, because a 2nd char gets the same faterewards for the story, but has to pay more fate to lvl with tarot-missions. Not sure thats wise or intended...

So, let the fatecosts rise if a CHARACTER levels, but make the increase of costs per CHARACTER and not accountwide would be my suggestion.

cheers and keep up the great work!

PS: oh and another feedback, i repeat that from my first round of feedback cause it really annoys me: pls get finally rid of that in-your-face-"Mission Completed" popup when you finish the missionobjective. Unless its a purge it can be really annoying if you still have the screen full of enemies but cant see them (or your character) behind that HUGE popup ;D

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Feedback regarding rising fatecosts for tarot-missions
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6 years 357 days ago
Posted by clownkrieger 6 years 357 days ago

Dont try to put something in my words that fits your agenda of negativity and nagging about everything. You were already proven wrong in this thread.

If you play as much as i do, a fate-increase of 30-50 fate for tarots in the turn of a week, till the end of a week, and that resets with the new week is NOTHING.

your nickname is really fitting...

30-50 is a 30%-50% increase in cost if you are okay with that so be it. I just want an anwser why this is happening, that's all. I'm simply no fan of things that happen out of the blue with no explanaition.
6 years 357 days ago

Dont try to put something in my words that fits your agenda of negativity and nagging about everything. You were already proven wrong in this thread.

If you play as much as i do, a fate-increase of 30-50 fate for tarots in the turn of a week, till the end of a week, and that resets with the new week is NOTHING.

your nickname is really fitting...

6 years 357 days ago
Posted by clownkrieger 6 years 359 days ago
Just wanted to report that my weekly glory reset with the new week and with it the fatecosts. Im back to 100 now, so all good. Can live with that system id say (yes, i need to be punished for playing too much ;D )
IF this is the reason they punish you for playing the game. Didn't they state that this wasn't theire goal and they want to give the ppl the freedom to play the way and at the speed they like?
6 years 359 days ago
Just wanted to report that my weekly glory reset with the new week and with it the fatecosts. Im back to 100 now, so all good. Can live with that system id say (yes, i need to be punished for playing too much ;D )
6 years 360 days ago
It's not bound to the weekly glory. My char is'nt in the leaderboards for 3 weeks because it's buged. My Fate costs started to climb when i reached the 925 system with a twink arround 900+ PR. In that week i only had 65 glory. So I'm not 100% convinced that those two things work of each other.
6 years 363 days ago
Ok, i actually returned in the last week and im actually a victim of the glory-leaderboard-bug as well. And yes, i binged martyr in the last week, so i leveld both chars in the time. If it resets every week it wouldnt be that bad and you could work arround it, but i still dont really get the reasoning behind that. Glorypoints for tarots are a thing? Afaik you get waaay more glory if you run a lowlevel char through high-PR missions, even if a highlevel hosts them?

Anyways, think ima ask for a manual reset on glorypoints/fatecosts or an account-reset if that isnt possible. Really want to get at least one char to max ranklevel and with now 190 fate/tarot (and raising) this isnt really fun or feasible...

6 years 363 days ago
Thank you for the feedback guys! We will investigate it. Sometimes we haven't got the time to answer every questions, but we are still listening, and reading all of your comments, feedbacks. So keep it up!
6 years 364 days ago

I actually put this to a discussion a few days ago but the last answer seems to be by me 10 days ago. It seems attached to the Glory you earn for the week. If you don't get plagued by the Glory Leaderboard bug it resets every week back down to 100. There has been no direct response from Neocore on either the forum or on Discord if this is a bug or not. I stated about the same thing in my discussion. If you ran one to 43 and then another to 40 in the same week you more then likely racked up Glory galore. 

It really is annoying, bug or not. You are right in that it punishes your lower characters as well as your main. The price is the same for the week on all your account. Not only that, but if your cost is lower and you team up with someone who's higher and they start the mission, your cost for the week jumps up as well. 

I can understand not wanting people to bank tons of Fate and then burn it all to get on the leaderboard for the week, but in all honesty it would be negligible compared to other ways to gain Glory. You gain just as much Glory from the Cabal missions as  you do a Fate mission. You gain 1 1/2 to 2 times the Glory from doing special missions. Right now the main missions are buggy and you only get 5 Glory though it says 10, but if you do enough to fully level a character you get quite a bit of Glory for the week. Therefore even if you banked 5000 Fate and spent it all at once you only get 500 Glory for the week if it remained 100 and never increased (although it goes up 10 at 60, another 10 at 150 , and so on). If you participated in every Cabal mission for even one round of 36 elimination or relic missions, you would earn 360. If you did the 4 to 8 special missions in every sector, those give 15 to 30 Glory and help with earning your achievements (not to mention quite a bit more Account level per mission). Therefore if you were determined to grind the leaderboard it would be more beneficial to you to do special and cabal missions for the week. You won't earn rank levels but plenty of account levels if you use your highest level character for them. Therefore the increased Fate cost doesn't make much sense. 

Here's to hoping it is a bug and not intentional, because diminishing returns for grinding all that Fate for missions seems more like a punishment. 

6 years 364 days ago
The fate cost increase without the slightest explanaition or feedback was a bad thing. Some siple answers like "it's a bug we'll investigate." or something like "We test a new concept for fate costs." would've been enough but sadly the communication between neocore and the community was pretty bad in the last weeks.

It seems like we have to camp the Discord for some bits of infos and this is just a pretty bad habbit. If there a resons why they communicated less those reasons were bad.

The Mission Complete popup is bad and I don't know how many times I wrote and read this ^^.