[FIXED] Fate rewards are wrong for Priority Missions. Ver 1.0.7


When taking priority missions the main screen shows the rewards earned for completion, such as Glory, Fate and XP, it shows you will get 11 Fate - and when you complete the mission you only get 8.  (I've checked the payout and you do only get 8 Fate).

It also seems to scale incorrectly as well, whatever the rewards screen offers you - you get less on completion.

This post was edited 6 years 206 days ago by Chas88
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[FIXED] Fate rewards are wrong for Priority Missions. Ver 1.0.7
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6 years 215 days ago
Yep, happens with me too. In every mission this is the case. Actual Reward before starting Mission is 11, 12, 9 and so on. But you always ending up with getting 8,9 and 6 and so on.

This is also the case of when you are supposed to get rewards for Weekly Glory and other things you may get Fate from. You end up not getting anything at all. This needs to be looked into.