Execute animation skip button on bossfight


Add skip button for execute. 

Because even on red dificulty those bosses are not worth execute animation, they are not hard enough to be worthy of animation, they die easy.  So it become annoying to lose 15sec evry time u kill one. 

I personaly always trying to avoid execute animatiom by targeting other monster and spam AOE when boss is very low hp. 

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Execute animation skip button on bossfight
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6 years 267 days ago
I agree, but should be a general option to disable it or make the animation play faster instead of slowing it down. There are games that have "executes" that feel good, without interrupting the game flow, by doing the animation in like 2-3 seconds.

I would also suggest to add a general "nice" buff if you perform a execute, so you feel always rewarded for it, instead of annoyed that you just wasted 10sec of your heal regen salve.