[English subtitle]Rep's WEAPON "SYSYEM" FEEDBACK (VID)


I already shared most of my feedbacks by comment in Hydra's vid, but I think it's better i made my own feedback Videos to talk about it, the video this time still using chinese for commentary, but i also added English subtitles, thanks for watching!


This post was edited 7 years 29 days ago by Reptilienski
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[English subtitle]Rep's WEAPON "SYSYEM" FEEDBACK (VID)
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7 years 28 days ago
Airsick Hydra
I think it's already added to our feature requests. 
7 years 29 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 7 years 29 days ago

A "reset all" button could / would be nice. 


7 years 29 days ago

A "reset all" button could / would be nice. 

7 years 29 days ago

My mistake, I did not try: P

7 years 29 days ago

We have access to skill reset at the moment. Left click the skill, and then right click it to remove the skillpoint.

7 years 29 days ago
Posted by Skydance 7 years 29 days ago

I do not know if this is the best idea, but maybe you should have added a skill tree reset option

so we dont have reset right now? God, i think i was dreaming these day, I though we have that thing.

7 years 29 days ago

I do not know if this is the best idea, but maybe you should have added a skill tree reset option

7 years 29 days ago

Awesome, bro.