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- Enemy type Rebel Guard
after playing alot of missions and now the new first storyline questchain, i got a little suprised by the rebel guard champions, especially the champion type enemy (melee and the guys with the big gun) since they took my supression away in around 2-3 shots. I tanked WZ +700 damage easily against other enemy types without bigger problems.
But these guys are straight out nuts. The melee type can block any kind of damage with his little shield charge and is also immune against shock, slow or bleeding. After he slammed into the ground, you mostly loose around 30% of your supression, which is ok, for a not tank build and on eye of terror difficulty, BUT not okay is, that those combined with 2-3 other champion types knock you off your feet in notime.
They have knockback and stun in yellow to red suppression, you get constantly CCed and again, the melee type just uses his 90% damage reduction shield to get to you.
I would like to hear what my fellow battle brothers have to say against this rebel filth.
Could you take a look at those and may change some aspects of their behavor?
Maybe decrease the damage reduction of the melee type and reduce the chance of stun/knockback of the shotgun type champion.
Or reduce their damage to player supression. Right now it feels as if you would run against a train if more than 2 of those get a clear field of fire.
Im pretty certain the most people are pretty happy that those enemy types are not spawning in the warzone.
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Other Ogryn I don't mind so much, but I also run one-shot builds, so that may be why...
TL;DR - Ogryn need scaling back to be in line with their Chaos counterparts