Edict of Extermination - Exterminated My Loot


Played a few missions this morning after Edict of Extermination went live and in each mission my loot disappears when I return to the ship. I double checked before leaving mission and could see everything I've picked up and upon returning it's all gone. I've been heavily playing the last couple weeks and this wasn't an issue until this morning.

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Edict of Extermination - Exterminated My Loot
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2 years 151 days ago
Same here. Some Loot stays. But i did 2 Void Crusades and the End Loot disapeared.
2 years 151 days ago
same here

2 years 151 days ago

Same for me. I lost every loot after exiting a mission. All that's remain is just the mission bonus. I've tried to reinstall the game without success.