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- Early Impressions of Patch VO.2.1
Early Impressions of Patch VO.2.1
Warhammer 40K FeedbackSome early observations, thoughts and discovered issues.
Las Pistol â Noticed that the skills have been swapped around; found out the hard way as it were in mission. No problem, but next time could we get a âheads upâ please.
Mk II and higher blueprints â When I logged into this new patch all my existing higher level blueprints were missing. No problem and, since then I have been acquiring higher level blueprints.
Skulls, alarms and beacons â Really like these additions. Now âdreadâ seeing those ambush beacons that cannot be targeted that tell me I am walking into an ambush.
+/- Enchantments â Not sure I like these as I am yet to see one that I think the bonus is worth the debuff. They seem to me to be a waste of an enchantment.
Spinning Blow â This skill on the Great Sword and Evisicator has Knockdown and Knockback; these effects just seem odd for the weapons.
Frag Grenade â When attacking mobs in the interior map tile that is a room with raised platforms in each of the corners, I attempted to use a frag grenade. If the grenade is designed to fall down the shaft in the middle of each of these platforms, then nice touch. However, it may be a bug; not sure which it is.
Sniper Shot â When using this skill on the Exitus Rifle, I have found it to be inconsistent when holding down the key to âaimâ; sometimes it works and other times it just instantly fires. Have not tested it on the sniper rifle yet.
Sinking/ floating marines â Whilst on the new floating platform map, I was attacked by 3 chaos marines, who slowly sunk through the floor and, then after a short period floated back up to the floor. Hope the screen shot helps to find the location.

New Map textures â Like the new maps, however there have been a couple occasions where the camera view has been blocked by these new features. The new arch design used in the interior corridor maps, when placed at the end of a starting tile and, some of the horizontal girders of the floating platform map.
Warp Gate, Floating Platform map â Encountered one that did not âactivateâ when I approached it. Not sure if this was as designed or bug.
Assassin Class â Like the new class, a great deal, and its play style, well done. Do not want to try a mission with a time limit though, but can 'mix it' easily enough just like a Crusader.
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Thank you for telling me what I am allowed to think, in my feedback.
Nice writeup
Now I might be wrong but I think the enchanted weapons aren't per-se to make the weapon better or higher base damage. Instead to make them somewhat specialised toward specific builds. For eg the +5% crit but -2.5% damage might not give a dramatic DPS increase but once you combine it with the appropriate skill tree and various bells and whistles that can be gained from critting enemies, then I think it's justifiable. Do agree though that at low level they don't seem to have much purpose.
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