Dual Wielding needs tweaks and polish


Hey i think the dual wielding system needs some work.

Perhaps dual wielding should get its very own set of abilities and not be limited to pairing the same weapons to be able to dual wield effectivly.

Atm this mechanic feels a bit clunky and awkward. If i want to carry a plasma pistol and a bolt gun both get only the left and right mouse button abilities and they dont mesh with each other smoothly.

Dual wielding should be stylistic and smooth. Kind of arcady almost in terms of play style atm its as mentioned above a bit clunky.

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Dual Wielding needs tweaks and polish
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6 years 272 days ago
Posted by Christs 6 years 272 days ago
I very much agree they need to be looked at. But none of these idea's will make people use them more. The whole point is 2hand Cath. sword is just way in front damage and movement. Boosting damage or attack speed is the only thing that will make anything but a Cath. sword of any use in reds.
Erm, you seem to forget that there are other classes than Crusader, no?

My Psyker, far as I know, cannot use any 2h weapons other than force/pyrostaffs, and definitely no 2h greatswords -- and this system, however it would be improved, needs to be improved for all classes.

I know for certain that I want my Psyker to be able to use Witchfire with just one Warp Rod in offhand, while using something else in mainhand too.

6 years 272 days ago
I very much agree they need to be looked at. But none of these idea's will make people use them more. The whole point is 2hand Cath. sword is just way in front damage and movement. Boosting damage or attack speed is the only thing that will make anything but a Cath. sword of any use in reds.
6 years 272 days ago
I think the best way to go about dual wielding would be for the devs to give us a choice for the offhand weapon of wether we wanted to use the first two, or last two skills from that weapon.

Even better would be a full mix and match of course, but that might be too much to ask, huh?
Anyhow, at least allowing us to say "Offhand Weapon = last two skills, even if two different weapons are equipped" would be a good middle ground I think.

6 years 272 days ago
It will be good if you can pick which skill to use on each weapons (when go dual wield)

Having basic first and second skill from each weapon feels kinda useless.

6 years 273 days ago
I agree, I would really like to equip two different types of 1h melee weapons but it would be suicidal with the current ability system. 
6 years 276 days ago
Yeah, the devs need to go spend a couple hours with Guild Wars 2 and see how a dual-wield RPG is done properly.