Dual Wield?


Is the Crusader suppose to be able to dual wield with any single handed weapons, only certain weapon combinations, or not at all?

I ask because I do not seem to be to equip 2 pistols or pistol and sword and, do not know if I am doing something wrong, or it is a bug or just not meant to be (given the layout of the HUD I can see why not, but hope springs eternal).

Cheers. :)

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Dual Wield?
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7 years 333 days ago

To date I have been dual wielding 2 pistols, but have just tried sword and pistol to discover the following issues.

The single handed melee weapon can only go in the right hand, which is probably as intended.
However, the melee weapon is 'held' as if by an invisible pistol grip and is pointed in a similar way.
Once equipped with a melee weapon and pistol, the Inquisitor then 'glides' about, with no running animation or sound.

Added to this thread for info only with a separate bug thread created to bring it to the Dev's attention.

7 years 335 days ago

2 Pistols - everything is fine, movement and functions of the weapons are ok

1 Hand Weapon (Energysword, Energyaxe, Chainsword) and Pistol 

1 Pistol and Shield  - Animations are total broken, the screenshot is in full move...you move like this and often the second hand didnt fire at all

7 years 335 days ago
Posted by VanTjorgen 7 years 335 days ago

But dualwielding  looks ugly cause its total buged. The Char "slide" over the ground and you allways hold one weapon strange. Sometime the second one show you the skills but do nothing at all...so dual wielding is fun, has much force but looks bad and sometimes didnt work

looks  fine to me.  that could be dependent on what weapons you have in your hands  rather than just welding 2.  I  use a dual as my primary build  and use bolt pistol an laspistol.   hold t bur on on the mouse and    1 key down an they fire left right left  and so on.
7 years 335 days ago

But dualwielding  looks ugly cause its total buged. The Char "slide" over the ground and you allways hold one weapon strange. Sometime the second one show you the skills but do nothing at all...so dual wielding is fun, has much force but looks bad and sometimes didnt work

7 years 335 days ago
Thanks for the reply; must have been doing something wrong.   :)
7 years 336 days ago
You can dual  weld.  You must make  sure they are both 1 handed weapons.  Ie: Boltpistol and Laspistol work well.  Names may be off  so   keep in mind i am referencing the one handed variants.  but these 2 have a good  rate of  fire so they offset and  fire both  in tandem.