Dreadnaughts - Suggested remedy


Suggested improvement for Dreadnaughts. 

Would hav eincluded this on the end of another post but forum wouldn't let me reply with anythign too long. As the fights are admittedly slow/// I feel they should have a rotation of abilities that are dodged or interrupted for eg. Perhaps a behavioual pattern so they will move away and then charge every x amount of time? - Just somethign that forces the player to interact with the fight instead of standing there shooting!

I think best scenario is a series of attacks

1 - Placement marker with missile lock to be dodged / animation for huge cannon spray and the need to dodge. 

2 - intermittent charges (i've only seen 2 in about 20 hours of play) - With a windup time and a 2 second stun/stumble inflicted when they miss

3 - I feel like they should attempt to reposition themselves form ranged to melee and alternate base don some cooldowns, so there are brief moments that favor a mellee and moments that favor a ranged character per fight. 

4 - Perhaps once a shield is down (the yelow bar? - not sure if that's suppression?) they should change their behaviour...

3 - Give them a large melee swing with a slow windup that we need to dodge. 

in summary, make them do things :D walking at you and shooting then smacking you is a bit dull :)

This post was edited 8 years 45 days ago by Airsick Hydra
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Dreadnaughts - Suggested remedy
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8 years 45 days ago
Game kNight
I think i'd agree with this, the pace of combat is too slow and a little unwarhammer like to have a dodge / dash feature while in power armor. As long as markers give sufficient time to move, like a target lazer, an auto cannon wind up etc that's fine. And in line with most other MMO/RPG/ARPG genres. (I think swtor had a good balance of mobs with "purple stuff to avoid" when grinding.
8 years 45 days ago
Think the right term is: Move :)

Can't have Crusaders dodging in and out of combat - that is going to be left for the Assassin to do :D 

8 years 45 days ago
Airsick Hydra
add a dodge button?
8 years 45 days ago
Game kNight
my thought at the moment is that combat is just a one way exchange. There is nothing for the player to react to. It's almost an integral part of ARPG that some attacks should be avoided etc and players need to react to certain situations...

also another idea... targeting lazer before missile volley... that way you can see a clear line of whereit's going and doge! Or stick to ground targeters :D just something!

8 years 45 days ago
I like your suggestions - making them worthy foes that really challenge you would make them a force that you would fear meeting!
8 years 45 days ago
you sure you aren't smoking something? That sounds really trippy!
8 years 45 days ago
be more entertaining then seeing a dead arm on the ground from another enemy start shooting at you even though the dude is dead! yes ive had this happen many times. i dont know if its intentional or not but man gets really annoying to see a detached arm start shooting at me from the grave... feel like im in a skit from ash vs the evil dead or something...
8 years 45 days ago
Combat does feel a bit repetitive. More AI could be welcome.